- Gen. 1: 26
General / Sociology / Politics / Geography
   For  Nazma, Mo, Tatiana and Liberty.
 Copyright  ©   Reginald Young   2000.
All rights reserved.
 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.
 A catalogue record for this book is available
 from the British Library.
First Published in the United Kingdom
Reginald  Young
  September 2000
 Printed in the UK
ISBN    1  899968  08  3
"Reginald! Please speak about sexism in the park". -  Lydia.
Gender Relations in History
What is man?  
 What is woman?
How does history, culture and literature - in this particular case religious literature with reference to the Holy Bible - define or explain the origin, role, status  and the meaning of what is man and what is woman?
The    Participants:-  Human beings
The   Time:-  Always 
The Scene:-   Speakers' Corner.
The   Speaker:-   The "Horse"
The    Audience:-  Unpredictable, unforgettable, and incomparable individuals.
For the 'Horse' it's the usual Sunday rendezvous.
At the usual place.
Speakers' Corner,
Hyde park,
Planet Earth,
The Cosmos!
It's one hour before the harmonious chimes of "Big Ben" celebrate the arrival of noon on another day, week, month, year, decade and finally another millennium.
On the main streets of London the traffic is busy with cars, buses, coaches, vans, motor cycles, bicycles and pedestrians busily negotiating a route through the bustling traffic and the adjoining pavements.
On this holy day, Sunday, homo-sapiens and machines pay tribute to the various Gods of spiritualism, materialism and civilisation by legitimising the structures, forces and processes of ecological degradation, pollution and evolution?
Pollution is the consequence of reckless modernisation.
Pollution is a typical feature of the urban life styles of modernity.
Pollution is the invisible cost imposed on the natural environment.
The "right to pollute" is the popular motto of the unenlightened.
Today there are no open rational protests from modernised individuals demanding the controlling, minimising or for the eventual elimination of the most  dangerous forms of pollutants.
Nowadays, the only anti-pollution protesters are the irrational such as the natural  life processes, global warming, erratic weather conditions, poisoned fish floating in polluted streams, suicidal whales arriving on sea shores, lung diseases and the loss of rare plants and animals.
Presently there is no or little implementation of viable non-polluting policies.
Just words!
Words of the unjust!
More speeches!
Meanwhile in Hyde Park animals and vegetables rejoice in leisure celebrating their fortunate existence as survivors of a risky polluted environment.
Being alive on planet Earth is a risky affair.
Risks condition life on Earth.
To live on planet Earth is to learn how to handle risks.
By Marble Arch there is risky Speakers' Corner.
Being at Speakers' Corner can seriously damage your health.
Free speech at Speakers' Corner is punctuated with risks.
The risks increase for humans who dare to be individuals.
The risks further increase for individuals who dare to think, speak and liberate the dignified soul  using  the icon of a "HORSE". 
Every Sunday,
 at Speakers' Corner,
it is not unusual to witness the "HORSE" galloping with enthusiasm  to mount the forum with the usual remarkable ironic style and rears  before a receptive audience already anticipating the neighs on his arrival.
This is the beginning of the end of the beginning of the controversy instituted in the geography of  "GENDER RELATIONS" that is sociologically  defined as "SEXISM".
-  A favourite theme of the Horse's speech performance.

Sexism, crime, terrorism, abuse, war, death, pornography and pollution are all social hazards.
Can  any compassionate individual find comfort in successfully challenging  the dangers of pollution only to perish under the tyranny of sexism?
Can abuse be ended by focusing on a specific form of abuse or by denouncing all forms of abuse?
Fate will be the judge!  
-  The 'Horse'

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for a warm and friendly reception.
Your intelligent faces and smiles make me speechless.
Please forgive me  for standing above you on this platform.
The reason I stand on this platform is to appear visible to any member of the audience who may be standing at the distant periphery of the expanding meeting.
Actually there is no need for me to make a public speech to good individuals.
In an ideal situation  silence should prevail so that good individuals have the freedom to speak for and be their independent selves.
I speak in order  to prove that speaking is not always necessary." Clarify the speaker as he made his introduction to a waiting audience.

"Are you all tourists? Inquired the speaker.

"We've travelled to London to hear you speak!" Replied a female among a party of tourists.
"Thank you!
It  will be an honour and a pleasure to make a speech for you."  Acknowledged the speaker  in an appreciative tone.

"Where did you hear about Speakers' Corner?" Asked the speaker.

"We learn about Speakers' Corner while studying the English language at school." Answered the female tourist

"How long were you speaking at Speakers' Corner?" Inquired a male tourist.

"I've been speaking at Speakers' Corner for over thirty years but it doesn't matter how long I've been here,  every time I  visit  Speakers' Corner to make a speech it's a learning experience for me." Explained the speaker.

"Why do you speak?" Asked a female in the audience.

" I speak to flex the muscles of democracy, to exercise my vocal chords and send a signal to the authorities that freedom of speech is a necessary democratic movement for change, a normal civil activity outside the Houses of the "Mother of Parliaments", to engage in physical  exercise by cycling through Hyde Park breathing in non-polluted air while meeting new different kinds of people from all walks of life, from all over the world. Furthermore, I speak during all the seasons of the year just for the fun of it." Explained the speaker as he justifies his life long hobby.    

"What is your subject today?" Inquired a female tourist accompanied by two female companions.

"I have not prepared any subject for my speech today."  Responded the speaker.

"What would you like me to talk about?" Asked the speaker.

There was complete silence among the audience.

"Well, thank you for trusting me to choose a subject". Remarked the speaker.

Erecting his posture and raising his voice with vigour  the speaker announced his topic for today.

 "Ladies and Gentlemen the subject of my speech today is Sex-Hism.
Sexism is too liberal!
Sexism is  about the abuse men and women inflict on each other!
Sex-Hism is gender specific!
Sex-Hism what men do to women.
Sex-Hism is a fusion of instruments of oppression including masculinity, patriarchy, phallocentrism, androcentrism, misogyny, essentialism, biological determinism, pornography and war?"

There were smiles and laughter of approval from the audience.

"Many words have been spoken, written and read about the subject of sex!
 I must confess that I do not know what the word sex means!
Sex is a big word that plays a significant role in our personal, political, economic, social and cultural  life."  Declared the speaker.

"Tell us your experience about sex, it will only take a minute!" Interjected a regular male middle aged bald headed heckler.

There was laugher in the audience at the heckler's joke.
In fact it is an old over worked joke  that regular hecklers employ to attract the attention of new comers to Speakers' Corner.
"Speakers' Corner is not the perfect place to speak reasonably about the complex  subject of sexuality because of the following reasons:
a)     Sexuality is perceived as a personal issue and as such some individuals might
      consider it impolite or embarrassing to express their opinion or listen the
      expression of other individuals on the subject.                                                   
b)  The diverse complexion of the visitors at Speakers' Corner implies  that there may
      be different and conflicting ideas about what sex is and what it means.
c)  Some individuals might create misunderstandings by narrowly interpreting what the
      speaker is saying. For example, in common-sense usage the term sex is used in a
      crude and abstract sense in such a way that no distinction or difference is made
      between sex, gender, sexuality, sexism, misogyny and pornography.
d) The risk of unpredictable interruptions and  disruptions by troublesome individuals.
     To avoid judgmental, biased and dogmatic remarks it's not wise for the speaker
      to make any assumptions about any individual.
For the benefit of the tourists and all new comers I shall make a brief introduction!
I do not represent men and men do not represent me!
I do not represent any political party but I like parties and partying!
I do not represent any race or ethnic grouping, nor am I represented by any race or ethnic grouping!
I do not represent any religious group or cult!
I find religious individuals interesting for the following reasons:
1) Religious individuals claim to believe and live in harmony with their Gods yet they still feel so lonely
     as to satisfy the need for busily recruiting and converting new members to join their
2) Having found their anchor in their chosen Gods religious individuals do not mellow
      out but energetically assault other individuals who worship different Gods, in a
      vain attempt to prove that their chosen Gods are  superior to all other Gods.
3)  Religious individuals are liars and cowards!
    Religious individuals allege that heaven is a better place to be than this fragile
    Earth but will not make the ultimate sacrifice by committing suicide, to set a leading
    example by arriving at their so-called heaven to meet their Gods, instead, these
    pretentious faithful individuals would rather exterminate any plant, animal or living
    species to preserve their lifestyles, so that their victims may reach heaven to meet
    their  Gods  before they do while confiscating land, own private property, go after
     money and abuse children.
This is not a religious meeting!
Please do not believe in what I'm saying for I may not know what I'm talking about!
Now, are there any Questions before I start  making a speech about sex, sexism and sexuality?" Inquired the speaker.

There was no response except some curious expressions on the faces of the audience.

"Once again ladies and Gentlemen!
Today's subject is sex!
 When I say sex what do I mean?
I don't mean sexual intercourse." Proclaimed the speaker.
What a shame!" Said some jokingly in reaction to the speaker's statement.

"I mean sex-u-al-i-ty!
That is, sex, you, all and a cup of tea!
Seriously, what I really  mean is the politics of sexual identity as variable of gender relations!
I shall be attempting to raise the issue of what is man or woman in relation to gender construction!                                                                      
To make the topic of sexuality  more rational  I shall discuss what is gender or how gender was constructed with reference to some sexist verses quoted from religious literature.
 In fact the subject should have been given the title or defined as sexism in religious literature.
In this case the Holy Bible.
The Bible and gender construction.
How is gender defined or constructed according to the Bible?
How does the Bible explain the origin, meaning and role of what  is man or woman!
Let us see what the Bible has to say about the gendered definition of man and woman!
I shall quote from the Bible and later make some comments regarding the quotations!
All are welcome to participate!
Comments, criticisms and debatable presentations will be appreciated!
According to the holy bible, the  ancestry of homo-sapiens can be traced to the garden of Eden where god created the first human being on earth with a masculine gender identity popularly known as Adam.
The term 'mono'-genesis is usually employed by historians to describe this process of single origin or source!
For our purposes in this particular case regarding the subject of sexism it would be more appropriate to refer to the biblical assertion that  the origin of humanity is traceable to a single man named Adam as 'man'-ogenesis!"
What sort of place was Eden?
It was a sacred place with no toilets, no canteen and no electricity!
Who was God and how did he create the world?
Let's explore this phenomenon Ladies and Gentlemen!
Since God is omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (all knowable) one can logically conclude that he must be the greatest mathematician of all times although he never went to school!
So it is reasonable to assume that God the creator, the mathematician must have constructed a graph with x, and y axes as the  mathematical model for creating the world at the 'origin'!
Somewhere along the x-axis, let us say minus a million, God had already begun the  count down to creation moment, zero time!
God took some time off and went on a long 'holy-day' only to arrive just-in-time when the count down was at  -1.0, -0.99, -0.899, etc., until he spectacularly arrived at O (zero) - the origin on the x-axis time scale where he miraculously decided to create the world with raw materials obtained from some mysteriously God forbidden place.
Being delighted  with the consequences of his creation  God further heightened his euphoria by rewarding himself with a bonus by creating  man with a mixture of dirt.
This man was called ADAM  meaning a  A - DAMN (retarded) -man!                                                                   
According to a racist version of His-story justifying the supremacy of the yellow races. God decided to create the perfect man on Earth by taking a mixture of dirt plus clay and shaped a model of  man then placed it carefully in an oven for a very long period of time.
 After removing the model shaped  like a man from the oven God saw that it was too over baked or the colour was too black!
Thus came the black man!
So God  decided to throw it away and make a second attempt at creating the perfect man!
On this occasion God removed the model shaped like a  man from the oven too soon. The result was also disappointing!
The model of man was not cooked properly or the colour was too white!
 Thus came the white man!
So God tossed it away and started all over again to make a the perfect man on Earth! After careful consideration and much thought God finally decided to make a third attempt at making the perfect man! 
On this final occasion God take the model that was shaped as a man and placed it in the oven for not too long a period, nor too short, just the right time!
 When God removed the model shaped like man from the oven it was not black, nor white but yellow and bright  in colour!
 Thus came the yellow man, the only perfect man on Earth!
 God was amazed and happy  to discover that he had got it right the third time!
How did Adam survive in the garden of Eden?
 Only God knows!
Let us speculate!
As the sun rises on a normal day of Adam's diary.
Hunger awakes Adam at dawn.
The procedure for preparing breakfast was fairly straight forward.
Braving the elements Adam was forced to overcome obstacles such as menacing mosquitoes, killer bees and being raped several times by the green monkey as he struggles through the jungle to collect dry wood for fuel.
While visiting the river to collect water he ran the risk of being snatched by the ferocious jaws of river crocodiles!
He risked life and limb to capture beasts for meat and milk!
On unsuccessful days he had to contend with eating grass and leaves like the mountain gorilla!
In the evening as the sun goes down and the moon rises Adam's body became restless!
Sometimes for comfort he would seek comfort in the presence of a tree by hugging it.
But it was all in vain!
There was no rest at night for Adam's  body and soul!
Romantically, the stars were like candle lights, lightning and thunder were comparable to disco lights and pounding rhythms of heavenly  base drums!
'Adam and the ants' and 'The Blow Monkeys' were the minstrels creating  serenading melodious tunes in a vain attempt to soothe Adam to sleep!
The cycle of waking up to a hazardous existence and ending in restless tormenting nights became unbearable for Adam to endure!
Adam's patience, tolerance, perseverance, and endurance ran out!
His only response was to organise an  industrial dispute - go on strike!
The first industrial dispute occurred in the Garden of Eden!
In those days before the development of modernity the ozone layer was intact!
 In fact it was so thick that God had some difficulty in seeing or locating Adam's whereabouts.
However, God eventually became concerned about Adam's strange but abnormal behaviour of not performing his ritual duties that included absolute loyalty, dedicated adoration, blind obedience and praying on his knees constantly to demonstrate his faithful worship to God.
 Answer me Adam!
Where are you Adam?"
 God angrily summoned Adam.
"Here I am Lord!" Replied Adam hesitantly.
Where have you been?
Why haven't you been praising me lately?
You're not thinking of disobeying me, are you?
Are you thinking of challenging my authority?
I hope you are not thinking of being disloyal to me by breaking the rules, Adam?" God questioned Adam.                                                                 
Adam stood defiantly looking towards the white and dark passing clouds in the sky while simultaneously trying to control his trembling body and violently waving his clenched fists retorted:
"Now look here God!
What kind of beast do you think I am?
I'm only a God fearing man!
Since you put me in this God forsaken place you  called Eden my life has been full of misery, unhappiness and loneliness!
I am always busier than the bees!
My nights are spent in restless sleep and when I wake up in the morning I'm always hungry, cold and sad!
Furthermore, organising daily chores such as preparing a meal occupy most of my time sometimes well into the night!
Trying to obtain fire wood, water, milk and meat are a risky exercise!
Every time I walk through the jungle I'm hotly pursued and raped  by the green monkey!
Mosquitoes, killer bees and tetse flies set up ambush thereby forcing me to getaway in fright!
Moreover, to add insult to injury I narrowly escape the ravaging jaws of river crocodiles every time I try to get access to water in the river!
There is even more trouble for me when night falls!
I feel a turbulence in my body especially when the moon emerges in the star filled sky!
I can feel my flesh throbbing, my heart beat rate increasing as blood furiously rushes through the veins in my body!
I couldn't sleep!
 I keep tossing and turning!
Many times I have to seek refuge and comfort by hugging trees but in no avail!
I've had enough of this existence!
I can't take it any more!
Why did you create me and put me in this dreadful place you called Eden?
This is not a good  life!
There must be a better place than this lonely, bitter, cold, unhappy, soulless, careless and loveless Eden!
You know how I look up to you!
Worship you and respect your authority!
How strong is my  loyalty  towards  you!
How much I obey your rules!
Follow your instructions!
No matter how hard I try, life sucks!
I don't know what to do with myself!
Life is not fun for a lonely meat eating man like me!
Meat eating beasts are not altruistic!
Meat eating beasts are more cunning, bigger and stronger than me!
In fact I am less intelligent than all the beasts of Eden, even the non-meat eating ones
How long shall I have to suffer just to capture some meat  for  food?
How much more shall I take?
How much longer do I have to suffer like this?
When shall I be happy?" Adam petitioned God.
As Adam protested energetically in the presence of God.
An awful overwhelming silence became a reality as God pondered on what to do with his favourite masterpiece Adam , the perfect man who was destined to fulfil his creative plan.
After a long silence, God summoned an exhausted Adam.

"Well Adam!
I have listened attentively to your grievances and I think I have just the solution to all of your problems.
So why don't you go to sleep, have a rest and leave everything to my capable hands.
Don't worry Adam!
I'll fix it!" Instructed God.
Adam obeyed God's instructions and fell into a deep, deep sleep.
God embarked on preparing the solution for Adam's dilemma by organising a manual for surviving in Eden called  'The  creation of wealth  in Eden and the division of labour according to  gender',  co-authored by  Adam Smith.
A surgical operation with no anaesthetic was performed by God to remove one of Adam's rib.
 God then made a woman from the detached rib.
Early one morning Adam had a shocking experience that aroused him  abruptly from a deep sleep.
It was the shocks that came from the static electricity that was created by Eve's gentle fingers as they pass through the hairs on Adam's chest while her warm body touched his in blissful caress as he lay.
When he opened his eyes he was overwhelmed by amazement at the sight of a beautiful, blond, blue-eyed fair skinned female lying comfortingly close to his body.
Adam in a state of bewilderment attempted to rise but Eve with both of her hands gently  placed on Adam's shoulder reassured him with a friendly smile and said in a soft melodious voice.
"It's all right Adam, just lie back and relax and let me be the one to help you make your life easier.
I'll be your remedy, your nurse, comforter and personal provider.
You don't have to get up early in the mornings to make breakfast anymore.
I'll prepare breakfast every morning, including breakfast in bed."  Eve informed Adam about her ordained gendered role, responsibilities and duties in Eden.
Adam was amazed with the new changes Eve had brought into his life.
Happy daybreaks, easy life style and peaceful nights full of pleasure, comfort and satisfaction.
It was the mother of all miracles.
Adam's liberation form suffering had alienated him from the realities of the day to day risks and hardships of procuring and preparing meat for survival in Eden.
The arrival of Eve stimulated a  gendered division of labour that was unequal in allocating most of the repetitive, boring and arduous tasks for Eve to perform, while Adam was busy indulging idle adoration, euphoria and privilege of his new found status sanctified by his masculine gendered creator, God.
Although Eve's arrival brought about a change in Adam's socio-economic reality. Adam's view  somehow did not correspond to the needs and demands of  the changing social environment.
In other words, Adam remained the phallocrat that God had made him to be.
His phallocentric values were undermining his ability to communicate effectively with Eve as an equal independent partner.
This condition resulted in endless arguments.
"What is a phallocrat?" Asked one smiling female.
The speaker began to explain:
"Let's look at it this way!
An aristocrat has no love in the house!
A phallocrat is a penis in the house!" Explained the speaker.
Loud outbreaks of laughter from members of the audience.
"Seriously, a phallocrat is an individual who assumes an all-powerful status which is determined by the notion, that having a penis attached to the body is a sign of privilege, superior rights and exclusive abnormality based on nature, philosophical reasoning, empirical facts and the predominant status of the patriarchal cultural, political and socio-economic order.
The philosophy of a phallocrat is phallocentrism.
As an ideology, phallocentrism justifies abuse, the colonisation of the human ecology including nature, alienation, socio-economic inequalities, discrimination, exclusion, patriarchal tyranny, rape, pornography, misogyny, sexism, prejudice, racism, fascism, exploitation, oppression, imperialism, globalisation, violence, civilisation, modernity, progress and war. 
Phallocentrism  is, in this case,  means cherishing the idea of having a penis attached to the human male's body at birth or by nature elevates the person to a superior, perfect and complete human being that is endowed with a patriarchal  status,  accompanied by  automatic privileges of being the authority, possessor of the absolute truth and whose values are assumed to be the centre of the universe sanctified by the gods.                    
In other words Eve who was not born with a penis attached to her human female's body, was perceived as an incomplete, irrational, inferior, potential victim, dependent, marginal, powerless, dissatisfied, castrated, alien and subnormal object subjugated to the supreme will of man, god and the  institutions of patriarchy within civil society and the state.

One day during a heated debate with Eve, Adam asserted:
"Remember Eve, I am the one with the god given penis!
 If I do not stand up and fight for retaining the penis, what it means and symbolises, my exclusive life as a man, patriarch and ruler of the animal kingdom would be in a state of perpetual misery or cease to exist!
You must be reasonable and look at reality through the eye of the penis!
Reality through the eye of the penis is easier for me to grasp!
The penis is the only key to my freedom!
The only link to heavenly consciousness!
The only basis of our "true selves" as creatures of God!
Remember, the letter "I" is the only  supreme symbol for the "PENIS"(pen-is)!
"I", being a  "kind man", don't mind carrying this "pen"-ultimate responsibility(the penis) on my body constantly while I roam all over Eden!
The penis is WANTED  dead or alive!
God made you without it!
God created me with it!  
You envy it!
I am lost without it
You empower the superior status of the penis!
You elevate it to an attractive, sexy and romantic status!
Because of the value you attach to the penis I can use it to my advantage and pretend I'm OK!
The penis has become a reified entity  acting as  my foundation and a veil  to hide my insecurities, stupidity and the crisis of my masculinity!
Tell me, woman!
What am I supposed to do without my penis?
Without  your  obsession with the  penis, my efforts to appear attractive would fail!
Please don't expose my confused self!
I love my penis and the comfort it brings!
I love you because you believe in the need for having the penis to survive!
We share  a special kind of love!
A man's Love!
A homosexual manner of love in the spirit of true brotherhood!
We are  both "penis lovers"!
The penis is the basis of my authority!
The penis is the key to rescue me from insanity!
Please my dear Eve!
Take me as I am!
With your compliance and the blessing from God above in Heaven, we can re-invent the penis as  the "supreme being"- the phallus - a magnificent icon  personifying power, prestige and absolute authority!"  Adam proclaimed.
Adam's proclamation was abruptly interrupted when suddenly, from nowhere appeared dark heavy clouds, loud blasts of thunder and lightning followed by the excited voice of god.
"Adam I am the 'SUPREME BEING'!
 You called my name?"  Declared God
"Yes God!
You are the SUPREME BEING!
I was just telling this woman how grateful I am for the existence of the SUPREME BEING   -  THE  PHALLUS!"  Responded Adam.
"Are you cocksure  Adam?"  God questioned Adam.
"Yes God!"  Replied Adam.
"That's my man!
That's the sort of speech I like to hear!
You are a good man Adam!
I love you!
You are always making  penetrating insights when engaging in intercourse with the woman socially or otherwise!
Don't forget Adam you are not alone!
Should you need any support or help just point straight to heaven and call on the SUPREME BEING!" Commented the Lord God Almighty.
Adam slowly turned to Eve and exclaimed:
"Did you see the point that God was making Eve?
 Did you see how quickly God responded when I mention  the SUPREME BEING  as the "PHALLUS"?"  Remarked Adam.
Adam feeling very reassured after hearing the masculine voice of God turned away from Eve and prostrated himself with out-stretched arms and legs then bellowed:
"Praise be unto thee!
 'O' God of the heavens and the Earth!!
Praise be unto thee!"  Extolled Adam.
"Amen Adam!

Amen!" Shouted someone in the audience in jest.

Laughter erupted from the audience as some individuals turned and looked at each other face with embarrassed astonishment.

Eve being created from, by and within the masculine, patriarchal phallocentric and androcentric model responded in kind:
"Pardon me Adam!
You cannot be serious!
Why do you abuse me by using the flimsy excuse of the missing penis?
Have you forgotten you have a rib missing?
Does having a missing rib makes you  a perfect creature?
Remember I am the missing rib!
Without me you will not be the perfect man that God intended to create!
So, we are equally both victims of what's missing!
That is the point!
You are penis-dependent!
You are a BIG  JOKE!
Since the penis is the key to unlock your bigotry!
You gave me no alternative!
Adam, since you make that thing  you called the  penis the "pen"-ultimate cause of your existence, status and pride, I'll go and find me an independent penis or something that looks like one that is not attached to an insecure man on the edge of insanity, to equalise your sexist bigotry!"  Eve responded defiantly.

The audience erupted with more laughter.
There was a pause as the speaker took a sip from his whisky flask.

"Come on Mr. speaker!
 Please  tells us more!
We want to hear more!
 What did Eve do?" Asked one young female.

What did Eve do!
We can't wait!"  Shouted a young male in support of the young female.

Feeling slightly relaxed and light on his feet after taking two sips from his whiskey flask, the speaker continued to speak.

"Eve  possessed with rage and anger felt empowered by her new sense of "in"-dependence, diligently set off with haste to discover the lacking phallic icon that will redeem her to be an independent complete human being that's equal to and recognised by Adam the patriarchal phallocrat.
After a very long journey on the road to freedom Eve decided to rest under a tree.
While resting  peacefully  under the tree, Eve was disturbed by a strange soft whisper of a stranger with a smooth faint mellow voice.                                                                             
Well! Hell-l-l-o-o-o!
What a beautiful subtle body you have!
 What have brought you to this part of the woods may I ask?" Inquired the strange creature.

"My name is Eve!
 God  created me from a rib taken from a sleeping man called Adam!
  That makes me a woman, a walking rib, I was told!
 Adam and I had a quarrel.
 I do my best to please Adam by giving  him everything he had ever wanted or desired but for some weird reason, he thinks all my efforts are duty bound to my assumed subordinate status and any attempt to be assertive,  question or change  the perceived superior prestige of his and God's authority is futile.
When I ask him why, his abrupt reply was it's because God has blessed him with  a penis that signifies the penultimate authority.
He sees me through the eye of the penis!                                                      
We share the same beliefs and values and pledge to be loyal and obedient to God! That's why I must find a way to communicate and make peace with Adam!
Well, this is my mission at least.
Who are you and what are you doing curling up between the leaves of the tree?" Asked Eve after explaining the difficulties  of her relationship with Adam.

"I am a serpent!
In the book of 'Genesis'  God made me the cleverest of all the animals!
 Sometimes I wonder why.
 Also in the book of  'Revelations' I am also known as  the Devil, Satan which God has chained for a millennium.
I have no sense of time!
I'm not in a hurry!
I do what I want and I go where I please!
 As you can see I am free to move into any crevice, around any corner and up any tree with ease!
Easy and pleasure seeking is my motto!
 Here, try one of these delicious apples!
 This one looks golden!
 It's just for you! " Asserted the serpent.

Overwhelmed by what the serpent was saying, Eve stood up stretched out her hand and picked the golden delicious apple from the branch where the serpent curled around and started to eat it.
The tasty fruit was so appetising that Eve picked as many as she could possibly eat and more.
Meanwhile, Eve began to feel a strange new healing sensation passing through her body.
Her visions became clearer.
 Her eyes became more focused.
All material objects around her became alive.
Life and reality became an artistic colourful expression.
Feelings of calmness, peace and joys overwhelmed her.
Vegetarianism was her intoxication.
The serpent realising what Eve has done became concerned and reminded her of the consequences of her action.
"What are you doing woman?
Take it easy with those fruits!
 Don't you know that it is forbidden by God to pick and eat any fruit from the tree of knowledge?
God labelled the tasty sensational experience from the fruits of this tree as "EVIL".
I don't know!
God presumed  man was  created absolutely perfect and expects man to fulfil his dominant patriarchal role under the heavens with loyalty, obedience and reverence within god's structured plan.

 1 Corinthians 14: 33:-
                "For God is not (the author) of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints."

Since you are only a woman created from one of man's rib.
God expects you and your originator and  partner (Adam) to comply with the prohibitions that were formulated to  regulate your behaviour, personality and ultimately your predestined existence in Eden.
You and Adam's fate are sealed.
Any deviation in thought, speech or act however slight from god's straight and narrow path will be considered unacceptable, intolerable and condemned by God as an act of rebellion, an act of "EVIL"   

 Don't you care about God's rules forbidding anyone to pick and eat any fruit from the tree of knowledge?" The serpent questioned Eve.

 I feel healthy, confident and happy!
 Nothing else matters!" Declared Eve.

You asked why?
Because God the almighty, ruler of the Heavens and the Earth, the supreme authority who makes the rules demands obedience and absolute loyalty from all the living beings under heaven that he created." Responded the serpent.

"S-s-s-s-e-erpent, I dream dreams!
I feel pain and my body trembles with uncontrollable tensions!
Of whom shall I be afraid?
I don't know why I choose this particular tree to rest, embrace and shelter or why I'm talking to you!
I don't know what I'm doing right now but most of all I did not ask God's or man's permission to be here communicating with you!
 So why must I justify myself to anyone?" Eve explained to the serpent.
"Woman you violate God's rules!
Your assertive personality scares me!
 What I mean is, I am scared of how God will react to your "good" news of being a vegetarian!
 I have never witnessed God being in an uncontrolled disorderly state debating with an assertive vegetarian revolutionary woman!
Furthermore, woman you seemed to be in a lot of trouble lately.
First, you argued with Adam and second you disobeyed God by eating the an apple the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge." Declared the serpent who became concerned about the implications of Eve's changing lifestyle.
"My name is Eve!
I would appreciate it if you call me Eve instead of woman!" Responded Eve.

"My dear friend Eve, it's not right to break God's rules.
 Anyone who disobeys the rules God will be considered as evil!" Stated the serpent.

"Even if the rules make one's life  unhappy, unhealthy and risky?" Eve queried the serpent.

God's rules must be obeyed by man or his subordinate! Answered the serpent.

"Well it seems to me the rules of God that man obeys were made for fools engrossed in stupidity.
 If I'm accused of being evil because I  picked a fruit from the tree of knowledge to secure my life in health, wisdom, happiness and independence, so be it!
Remember,  I'm only a woman with an inferior status  in God's and man's eyes!
My name is Eve!
I have tasted the fruits from the tree of knowledge and I like it!
I am no longer the original, virgin, dumb impotent woman that God created!
I am a self made anarcho-eco-radical-feminist-lesbian revolutionary!"
Freedom is good!
Change is good!
No fear of pain!
No fear of fear!
No hate!
No strife!                                                                    
No obedience to any authority, God or man!
If it's evil to rebel and shatter the chains of mental slavery.
Then evil is good!                                                                  
No turning back now  s-s-s-s-e-e-r-r-r-rpent!
I feel like a new being!
How I do love my new self!
I will live to be me!
Self preservation is my motto!
To be myself I don't need:-
   1)     To submit to any SUPREME BEING including THE PHALLUS.
   2)     To react, ape or compete with any phallocentric entity include man, God and          Authority.
   3)     To play the pretentious homosexual role to please man, God or any phallocentric   oriented female.
   4)     A penis to laugh, think, sing, learn, live, be assertive, love, care, and be happy.
From now on:-
a)  All females and males experiencing a subordinate status under heaven in the animal     kingdom are my sisters and brothers and will be treated as friends by me!
b)  The clitoris will be liberated and celebrated!
c)   My body will be wild and free!
d)   I shall loosen up!
e)   Go where I want!
f)    Look where I want!
g)   Do what I want as I please without asking man's or God's permission!
            Declared Eve as she stands confidently on her feet..

"Do you realise what you just said, Eve?
You have definitely changed!
You have become a trouble maker!
God, man and all meat eaters will see you as evil, unruly and dangerous!
You will be famous as the first anarcho-vegetarian-feminist but notorious in 'HIS'-Story by all misogynist, sexist and phallocentric bigots as 'EVE' - the first woman that originated 'EVIL'!
 It will be written that 'EVIL' came from 'EVE'". Proposed the serpent.

"Why?" Asked Eve.

"The tree of knowledge, this tree I'm cuddling, the same tree you dare to pick  a fruit and eat, was a one off creation by God.
 It was a prototype created by God for the sake of variety and research.      
  Fruits from this tree of knowledge contain all the necessary nutritional ingredients to cause all living creatures to be healthy vegetarians by fulfilling their every need, curing them from life threatening diseases, cancers, recurring hunger, thirst, addition and cannibalism  to enjoy a lifestyle with  liberation, independence and self sufficiency.
It was too perfect for God.
Each living creature possessed by an independent free will, will inevitably create disorder, chaos and confusion thus marginalising God as a non-influential, inferior, expendable and insignificant entity.
God being a megalomaniac, fascist, egotistical psychopath needs all the living creatures he created to be defective imperfections dependent on his existence, his will power and whimsical obsessions.
So God decided to revise his perfect model for a more imperfect one, tailored to suit God's superior, patriarchal and misogynist limited status.
This revised model of creation elevated man to the  supreme status above all the animals in the animal kingdom by sanctifying the practice cannibalism  causing man to survive in a defunct mental state.
Cannibalism was designed by God as a mechanism to guarantee the survival of animals that achieved being cunning, fortunate,  possessing the strongest muscles and sharpest teeth.
The disadvantage was  these animals that survived were not necessarily wise and their fate was interrelated and interdependent with the complex dialectical processes of nature.
 Since man invented the gods with alien supreme values to justify his insignificant, futile and insecure existence, he presumed the right and privilege to attack, destroy or abuse all life species that are linked a complex interdependent relationship within the biosphere, in the name of consumerism and progress.
This tree of knowledge and life was created to nourish vegetarians and to heal those animals that are suffering from the compulsive cannibalism. I spent most of my time on this tree because it is visited only by vegetarians.
With vegetarians I feel safe and my life is less risky.
As you can imagine it's not a comforting thought to be the favourite meal of some strange blood thirsty carnivore.
 However, this tree is my refuge and my hope." Described the serpent.

"What do you mean by saying this tree is your refuge and hope? Eve inquired.

"It's my refuge when the vegetarians visit but sometimes when I'm in the mood to convert some   dim-witted carnivore I intentionally position my body between or among some apples as a bait to attract the unsuspecting carnivorous  beast.
 As soon as the beast is about to make a kill or take a bite at my flesh, I swiftly move away from the jaws of the unlucky beast and the poor creature then bites one or more apples.                                                                   
 All it takes is one bite, one taste of a fruit from the tree of knowledge and the taste for meat vanishes.
The fruit of the tree of knowledge is so tasty that not even the tongue of a  carnivorous beast can resist chewing, swallowing and digesting.
The conversion is instant. Instead of abusing and  killing animals for a meal the carnivores have been converted into animal, trees and nature lovers.
The personality also undergoes a fundamental change  from being aggressive, hyper-active and reckless to a calmer, gentler and caring creature. 
The carnivore is transformed into a vegetarian forever and I'm pleased with my achievement.
The Garden of Eden has become a safer place for all potential, actual or would be victims of cannibalism." Expounded the serpent.

SS--ssss-eee the changes that have happened in your life?
Your mind is brilliant, your eyes are brighter and  your face is lovelier." Complimented the serpent.
Since I ate that apple or fruit you gave me, I feel more relaxed, intelligent, confident, healthier and courageous." Eve commented.

"Look at the way we are, the three of us, the tree, your body and mine all within one embrace experiencing peace, comfort and friendship." The serpent remarked.
Do you think Adam can enjoy these wonderful moments? Asked Eve.

My dear friend Eve!" Replied the serpent.

"But how? Asked Eve.

"Man was created only in the image of God  although he lacked equal status with God. God made Adam perfect but inferior to God or a creature of perfect imperfections.
To add insult to injury God removed the best part of Adam's body, a rib, from his symbolic liberated, revolutionary left side to create a woman.
 Furthermore, God made Adam's personality with the following qualities:-
a)  Servility
b)  Deference
c) Cowardice
d)  Self-contempt
e)  Submission
f)  Dejection
g)  Somnolence
With the supreme authoritarian rule from above, the enforced prohibitions in the  social environment, his biological limitations, his neurosis and inferiority complex all contributed in perpetuating Adam's state of wretchedness.
In desperation Adam grasped or holds on to the only sign of hope that was before him to obtain salvation.
That sign of hope was the penis.
Phallocentrism was constructed as the dominant ideology to justify  the patriarchal order under heaven.                                                              
The penis became symbolically the centre of man's universe, the focal point or pivot of his existence.
Adam was not psychologically equipped to maintain, sustain and reproduce a peaceful healthy relationship with any animal on an equal basis.
Because as a meat eater man was created by  God with a carnivorous life style!
On compassionate grounds Adam needs your encouragement more than you need his! Eve!
Right now, Adam definitely needs you to introduce him to a new vegetarian lifestyle  to be a complete, dignified, liberated, fulfilled, courageous and independent individual that appreciate the femininity within his soul.                                        
   Now that you are in touch with your femininity, have peace and harmony with your feelings, no longer afraid of your pain, "in"-dependent or depend on your inner self and potential creative powers and finally, love for  yourself.
There is no need, reason or cause for you to compete with Adam, depend on him, justify yourself to him or even try to please him unconditionally.
The chains of bondage and dependency in your relationship with God and the man called Adam is broken forever! " Explained the serpent.

"So how would it be possible to rescue Adam from his addiction to cannibalism, somnolence and dependence of God?" Asked Eve.

"We must scrutinise, organise and exercise with diligence." Replied the serpent.
"Since Adam is a phallocrat.
He believes he possesses special powers because he has a penis attached to his body. He is viewing reality through the eye of his penis. In other words, he behaves as if his brain is in his penis.
Adam perceives the brain as a separate independent organism from the rest of the body.
If or when he sees the shape of a serpent's body, my body, he will assume, since my body is shaped like a huge penis, it must be one.
 Inferiority complex will overcome him when he examines the size of his penis and compares it with the length of my serpent's body.
 Adam's self esteem will decline and he will become angry and vulnerable to guilt, anxieties, phobias and suggestions, especially when he sees my serpent's body wrapped around yours.
 He is only a phallocentric, misogynist, masculine man as such he will involuntarily assume that my serpent's body is a mighty penis attached to your body and this makes you Eve a better man than he will ever be and he will perceive himself as the subordinate woman he wants you to be.
His inferiority complex will motivate his envy or penis envy to approach you to find out how it would be possible for him to obtain such a penis or even bigger.
This is the moment he will surrender his individual, dignity, self respect, independence and  masculine phallocentric power to you.
He would make all the promises under the sun,  all the vows under heaven to gain your trust but if you should speak a word he will not hear you, remember, his brain is in his penis.
He will be obsessed with the penis wrapped around your body.
Adam the man is a phallocrat!
A fsscist!
Besides he is only a man!
All you have to do my dear friend Eve is look into his eyes without speaking a word and offer him an apple or two.
Your silence will mystify him.
The taste of the fruit will do the rest." The serpent explained.   

After a convincing sermon by the serpent Eve stood up with exhilarating passion with the serpent curled comfortably around her upper body and declared in jest ;   
Let's do it!
Let's go for it!
Let's rock and roll!"
"Ye-e-s-s-s-sss  evil Eve!"
Let's do it!
Let's educate, liberate and celebrate! The serpent responded with humour.

As Eve and the serpent proceed in their search to find Adam they were escorted by a host of friendly beasts singing, howling, dancing and prancing in a carnival of procession celebrating the bonding of Eve and the serpent as a symbol of love, peace and a vegetarian lifestyle.
Meanwhile Adam was in his usual state of desperation unsuccessfully struggling
to hunt some poor unfortunate unwilling animal for a meal.
Suddenly, Adam was distracted by the blaring melodious sounds of elephants followed by a parade celebrating animals and lost sight of his tormented prey.
Adam was captivated by the carnival atmosphere as he beholds the young male beasts partying and raving as their nimble bodies wildly gyrate in a grand rehearsal act of  procreation while  the vibrant orchestrated sounds of vegetarian creatures animate the atmosphere.
It was rumble in the jungle.
Adam stood up with amazement wondering what the commotion was all about. Suddenly, whilst glancing at the parade  his eyes caught a glimpse of a human female. Adam's body began to tremble uncontrollably to the rhythm of the animal festival.
"Well, it looks like Eve.
Her face is smiling.
Her skin is fair and smooth.
She looks much healthier now. 
What's that shivering long colourful shining  smooth object  curled around her body?
It looks as if it's a penis.
It is!
It is a penis!
This must be the sole reason why the animals are following her and celebrating.
Eve was serious when she pledged to find a penis of her own.
Now she's found one even over animals.
Eve has become a better man than me.
I must obtain an equal  penis like hers or even bigger then I'll be the powerful, dominant and popular creature in Eden and all the animal will be under my control including Eve.  
I'll make friends with her.
I'll do what ever it takes, be a slave, beg, cheat, lie or steal to secure a penis as big as hers. With such a penis I'll be the happiest person in the world." Whispered Adam as he focused his eyes on Eve and the serpent.
"Hello Eve!
 I love you!
You are looking very beautiful!
I want to share my life with you!
 You are everything to me! Adam praised Eve.

But in his mind Adam was concerned, for his compliments were a dishonest ploy to trick Eve to reveal the secret of the whereabouts or the knowledge of how to acquire what he perceived to be a huge penis curled around her body.
 Eve was silent despite the fine words of Adam.
So far so good.
The process of Adam's conversion is turning out to be easy. Adam is unaware of the plan that was constructed by Eve and the serpent to redeem him from cannibalism, misogyny, phallocentrism and patriarchy.
Adam the phallocrat was being too smart.
He was playing with fire as he was underestimating Eve and the serpent.
In fact, perceiving Eve as an object of pleasure and prey blinded him to his extreme vulnerability.
Adam persisted in his treacherous ploy.

"I'm hungry for your love, Eve!
What's that you're holding in your hand?
An apple?
 Can I have a little bite and taste your apple, my love? Pleaded Adam dishonestly.

Without speaking a single word Eve slowly reached out her hand and touched Adam's lips with the apple.
Adam took the apple with his right hand and slowly took a big bite, looked Eve in the eye and took another big bite, then another until the apple was consumed.
Eve offered Adam another apple and he repeated the operation.
Adam felt refreshed and  relaxed.
He became more aware of his self feeling, self esteem,  confidence  and his dignity increased with a new feeling of independence. 
Adam's mind was now clear of all conspiratorial thoughts.
He no longer felt fear, hate or insecurity.
As Adam moved closer to Eve the serpent leisurely wrapped its elongated body around both  Adam and Eve and whispered:

 "Being a vegetarian in love, peace, communication  and freedom is good for us!
Don't you agree?"

"I agree!"  Eve whispered to Adam.

Adam was transformed into a new being with a new outlook on life, living in a new way without  strife  and no more avoiding pain.
Adam began to recognise Eve as a different, independent and equal being with rights of her own.
He listened to her with patience, care and attention.                                     
  Adam was no more afraid to express his feelings, thoughts and emotions about the relationship he shared with  Eve.
Furthermore, Adam showed an appreciation for his relationship with Eve by giving compliments and telling Eve he loves her every day.
In fact Adam became fulfilled and "in"-dependent on his inner self that the relationship between him and Eve became healthier without imposing demands or other forms of abusive behaviour.
Adam's new politics became non-political.
The serpent realising Adam and Eve's new found happiness in their relationship, discreetly departed with pleasurable contentment that his mission involving Eve and Adam has been a complete success.
Eve and Adam were transformed into a  vegetarian lifestyle forever in love with each other and cured of the vicious addiction to  cannibalism.                             
  That was the first moment that Eve and Adam  experienced an evening of peace, love and tranquillity of evil indulgence without fear, inhibitions and bodily restrictions that were  imposed by a phallcentric patriarchal misogynist order sanctioned by the almighty God in heaven.   
Early the next morning, just before dawn, an orchestration of boisterous sounds vibrated  the air penetrating the sky.
The raucous was caused by the conflicting sounds of young roosters in their prime boasting of their progressive reproductive sexual conquests of all the hens in Eden, young and old, challenged by the sounds of  energetic protests by a flock of dissatisfied  hens asserting the right to undefine the concept of reproductive sexuality to include a new model of relationship with roosters, sharing more time for romance, friendship, respect and the sharing of responsibility in nurturing chickens.
Meanwhile, a counter demonstration was organised by foxes and other carnivores asserting their natural right to hunt more chickens.
Wild dogs plus other meat eating beasts also joined in the noisy confusion voicing their  joy and right  to pursue the increasing population of foxes and carnivores chasing the increasing population of chickens.
This pattern of carnivores hunting carnivores and non-carnivores, wild dogs hunting foxes that hunt chickens and other potential preys had become a recurring cycle in Eden, to such an extent that a domino effect of disturbances and protests affecting all the meat eating beasts whose survival depended on sustaining an adequate number of beasts to balance the ratio between carnivore and prey to preserve the practice of cannibalism within the whole relative food chain.
The sounds of protests must have vibrated the walls of heaven. For God was angry because there was no peace under heaven among the beasts existing in the animal kingdom.
 There were many reasons why God was justifiably angry.
God was not a democrat.
God did not invent democracy.
God was not a liberal.
God did not invent liberalism.
God had created the animal kingdom and structured it in a pyramidal patriarchal phallcentric misogynist order to boost his  megalomaniac fascistic ego.
To experience a shattering blow to the foundation of one's self esteem is more than enough to make any god angry.                                                             
Recognising the raucous was the consequence of an imbalance in the cannibalistic phallocentric patriarchal order God decided to summon a summit meeting to investigate the reason for the increasing population of wild beasts that foster the  meat eaters to  agitate,  demonstrate and celebrate.
 God's self esteem was declining rapidly and he became frustrated that his credibility as the supreme authority  of heaven and earth will be lost and Adam will quit  fearing, respecting, obeying and being faithful  to him. God became angry and decided to summon Adam and Eve in his presence.

 God  called on Adam:

"Adam! Adam! Where are you Adam? Answer me Adam!  Adam where are thou?"  Inquired God.

Eve and Adam were still asleep engrossed in their new joyful confidence caused by the revolutionary changes in their personal lifestyles from being restless meat eaters to peaceful vegetarians, calmly opened their eyes lids  and glanced towards the sky in the direction where the raging restless  voice of God echoed without  fear, excitement nor anger unaware of the unruly commotion taking place among the meat eating beasts in Eden.
Remember Eden was before the era of modernity and its negative consequences that imposed a cost on the environment including the ozone layer. So God had to struggle to penetrate the dense ozone layer to gain access and a clear view of Eve and Adam.
 There you are!"
Declared God as he tries to control his fury.

"I am God, the almighty creator of the heavens and the Earth.
I am the supreme master of the universe superior to all the masters including man.
 I created the world  with perfect order, stability and peace.
 Every beast was made to be different to function in the role designed to maintain balance, order and stability.
Absolute loyalty, obedience and deference is the glue that bind each and ever creature in a harmonious relationship with the perfect order ruled by the supreme master, God.
I Am thy God.
 I make the laws of Heaven and Earth.
 I am the power because of my masculine patriarchal status.
It pleases me when the rules and the laws of heaven are followed.
I the Lord thy God created cannibalism as the perfect mechanism to regulate the population of flesh eaters.
Furthermore, being of masculine gender by identity and homosexual by lifestyle do not make love to Goddesses.
So the only satisfaction, indulgence and entertainment I have is pornography.

That is observing  the wonderful beasts I've created abusing, slaughtering, consuming each other and reproducing the whole flesh eating life cycle.
Recently I have discovered that there has been an increasing population of cocks of the feathered kind which affected the perfect balanced relationship among meat eaters. Adam, ruler of Eve, the fish and all the wild beasts of the air, land and water you are  responsible for setting a good example, being a role model of all carnivores by eating the meat of  roosters, at least one rooster a day.
You disobeyed my commandment, displayed disloyalty and to make things worse, deviated from the lifestyle of  cannibalism to a vegetarian one.

Now, what do you have to say in your defence?" God hath spoken to Adam.

"All I did was ate an apple that Eve generously gave me and I fell in  love with the woman and the apple."  Replied Adam.
"It wasn't Adam's fault nor mine!
It was the serpent that lives on the tree of knowledge that enlightened and tempted me with the apple or fruit from the tree of knowledge that I shared with Adam who became my sweet heart!" Eve intervened in Adam's defence.
"Adam I am the Lord thy God!

Supreme authority of the Heavens and the Earth!
I created you to be a man, master of all the wild beasts of the air, land and water.
 I created you in my image to be of same mind, body, gender, sexuality and lifestyle.
 I made you to be a faithful, meat eater  with homo-gender values.
 I specifically instructed you not to eat any fruit from the tree of knowledge.
Now, look what a mess you've got me into.
Because you have tasted the fruit from the tree of knowledge, you have lost your appetite for meat, lost the  power that was the privilege of your patriarchal status, and what's worst of all you are listening, communicating, sharing and giving compliments to the woman named Eve who was only created from a rib while you were asleep.
Adam you have become a wimp, a sissy and  a heterosexual vegetarian.
 You, Eve and the serpent have committed a great  sin.
From this day it will always be remembered that Eve, the first woman was the originator or creator of Evil that caused  man fall from grace and perfection.
Evil Eve will forever be  the symbol portraying  all women who disobey, exercise their free will as independent individuals or challenge authority as evil and dangerous creatures to man, God and the holy phallocentric patriarchal misogynist universal order." Proclaimed God

Being aware  his vulnerability in the form of an imbalance emotional state. God suddenly realised that he shared some of Adam's personality traits. After all  Adam was created in the image of God. God decided to justify his superiority by veiling the sameness he shares with Adam while simultaneously reconstructing, reproducing and perpetuating an imaginary arbitrary difference defined with fear, mistrust and threatening potential to exclude Adam, Eve, the animal kingdom and the ungodly.
In other words, inclusion/exclusion, difference, identity politics, ism's and schisms are variables of a colonising, patriarchal, misogynistic, fascistic  order  that was sanctioned or legitimised in God's name.     

"Adam  you are my first and only perfect creation!
I must make an example of you and your accomplices  so that all meat eaters would realise the futility of resisting, challenging and disobeying the supreme patriarchal phallocentric misogynist order.
I therefore condemn you to a life of suffering by expelling  you from the garden of Eden where you will "work" so hard that by the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread. Eve from this day of exclusion from Eden you will give birth in pain and sorrow.
The serpent you will loose the use of your tiny legs and crawl on your stomach for all the days of your life." Commanded God as he passes judgement on Eve, Adam and the serpent.

The serpent celebrated the freedom from the garden of Eden by composing poems, songs and ballet.
 Eve and Adam   were encouraged by the serpent to make use of  the opportunities,   individual responsibilities and the  advantages of being free, independent   and hard-working in the pursuit of their self interest  with an unwavering  discipline while focusing on their goals to earn self development, esteem and respect.
"I don't need those tiny legs God claimed he created anyway.
 They were  a nuisance and  most inefficient for practical purposes such as running  fast  to escape danger, sliding between narrow crevices, manoeuvring delicately along  slender branches of trees, roaming leisurely at a comfortable pace in silence without disturbing sleeping beasts and drawing attention to myself.
Besides I am a thinking creature that plans strategically rather than take flight plus I have enough strength in the muscles of my body to move at my own pace." Expounded the serpent.

"Eve and Adam!
The universe is an expanding space outside the garden of Eden!
The supreme God's recent behaviour is a consequence of a nervous breakdown, a lapse into complete madness!
God's obsession with his egomaniac, megalomania, fascist, misogynist, phallocentric and patriarchal order had transformed Eden from an experiment in creation to a holy "Funny farm" where all the wild beasts inmates engaging in a dependency relationship with God  resulting in fatal addition to the practice of  cannibalism - the insatiable hunger for meat and the unquenchable thirst for blood.
 It was a blessing in disguise to be banished from Eden!
The garden of Eden is the original perfect an asylum created and managed by the supreme insane being himself, God. 
All intelligent, free thinking non-fascist animals will forever celebrate the act of rebellion against  the authority of the supreme so-called holy God thereby liberating of the mind from the chains of fear, superstition, prejudice, hate and somnolence that God has contemptuously  condemned as evil and sinful.
So good luck Eve and Adam!
You'll never know your full potential or what secrets await you in your new godless universe!
 Remember Eve and Adam, here, outside Eden, God's  definition of work as a means of penalising  or coercing the disobedient or sinners and as a state of alienation is not sacrosanct!
Work can be undefined as a creative, self-fulfilling and constructive activity!
Eve and Adam you are now responsible for  your own fate, so you don't need me to tell you about your inalienable right  to define your life's activities as you will according to your self interests!" The serpent ended his announcement with an optimistic note and disappeared into the horizon rattling his tale.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!
In the genesis of creation God's mathematical logic was simple and dictated a simple linear life style punctuated by a masculine epistemology.
Reality was seen through the eye of the penis.
One plus one was  equalled to two.
As soon as Eve was created there was a revolution, a discontinuity of the masculine epistemology.
Reality was no longer perceived through the eye of the penis.
Instead reality was perceived far beyond the narrow boundary of the penis into the expanding circular universe.
In fact a complete epistemological break from the masculine to feminine epistemology occurred.
The laws of mathematics were fundamentally changed.
One plus one  equal  two was radically changed to One plus one equal to three.
Life also became complex, unpredictable and risky.
Today we can honestly say with confidence and a degree of satisfaction;
 Thank you Eve for being evil!
For being the first vegetarian!
For educating Adam how to think independently from God!
For liberating the human mind from mental slavery, fear, prejudice, superstition and hate.                                                            
For liberating us from the Garden of Eden to discover the secrets of the universe!
For discovering radiation, electricity, oxygen, carbon, penicillin, water management, art, romance, love, democracy, communication, architecture, engineering science and technology, the bicycle and numerous unmentionable items that are ecologically friendly.
Furthermore, for  a vegetarian lifestyle!                                                                    
Please excuse me while I  drink some water!
I'll be back!" Pronounced the speaker to an understanding  audience.

The speaker stepped down from the rostrum to have well deserved break.
 Most members of the  audience patiently waited for the speaker's return.
During this  short interval the speaker took the opportunity to quench his thirst and organised the notes for his next presentation.
Feeling refreshed the speaker returned to the rostrum  with the Bible and notes in his left hand, raised his head while pushing his shoulders back, smiled as said:

"Thank you for waiting Ladies and Gentlemen!
Now let's return to the subject of sexism by researching some serious texts taken from religious literature." Announce the speaker as he explores  the pages of the Bible.
"Let's  begin at the beginning in the book of Genesis.
For those of you who are into pop music you should be familiar with Phil Collins' group, Genesis." Humoured the speaker as he jokingly made a reference to a popular musician and his supporting group. 
Laughter erupted in the audience as demonstration of appreciation to the speaker's witticism .
"Let's turn to the first chapter of Genesis, verses:  26 and 27 and quote.
For Phil Collins fans it's volume 1, track 26-27.
Verse 26;
                "And God said. Let us make man in our image,  in our likeness,  and let them rule over     the          fish  of the sea and over the birds  of the air, and over the livestock  over all the earth, and            over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Verse 27;  "So God created man in his own image  . . . ."
      "Please allow me to explain this biblical notion.
a) When God said let us make man in our image.
     This implies that God was not  alone.
      There were witnesses. Queen Victoria and I were present on that momentous

            Laughter erupted in the audience.
b)  "Please note God did not say let us create woman in our image.
      This means that man's image is god's image.
       In other words man look like God.
    Are there any men present in this meeting?" Inquired the speaker

One middle-aged male raised his hand in response.

"There you are Ladies and gentlemen there is a man among us.
 Look carefully at his appearance and you will know what God actually looks like.
As you can see this man has a bald head, wears sun glasses and Levi jeans.
 So Ladies and Gentlemen if this man is exactly the image of god who created him then according to the Bible, today God must be bald, wears sun glasses and Levi jeans."

Laughter in the audience as the speaker attempts to rationalise the biblical verses.
"Mr. speaker may I ask a question?
 Shouted one female with a shrilled humorous voice in the audience dominated by the presence of men taller than her.

"Yes, please do!" Replied the speaker.

"If what you say is true about man being created in the image or likeness of God and since God is of the masculine gender while the Goddess belongs to the feminine gender.
Does it mean that God is androcentric and a misogynist with homosexual values?"
Asked the female.

The males in the audience suddenly turned their dumbfounded solemn faces towards the female with suspicion.

"Good Question!
 Well presented!
It's a feminist question!
Well done!
 I agree!
 In fact you have anticipated the very points I'm about to make.
 Thank you!"  Said the Speaker as he continues with his presentation.   

"c) If man was made in God's image, whose image was woman made?
      If man looks like God, whom does a woman resemble?
      Only God knows the answer to these questions!
      This implies that woman's image is not godly, recognised by God or man and is
     not respectable in  the eyes of  almighty God.
     Furthermore, since  the word woman does not appear chapter one in the  book
      of Genesis, the first book of the holy Bible, we cannot assume that God had any
      idea what a woman looked like.
      Finally, is God a misogynist?
     Judge for yourselves!
d) In the same verse in the same breath God said let man rule over the fish.
      So man is appointed the ruler of the fish by God.
      Again no mention was made of  the big W.  You know to whom I'm referring.
      In fact the verse goes on to state that man is also the ruler of birds, all life stock
      on Earth and even creepy crawlies."
There was loud laughter from the audience as the speaker paused and continued with the speech.
"In chapter 2,  verse 18 reads:
            "The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper                suitable for him."
In chapter 2 in this verse God is referred to as Lord God.
I'll give you an explanation.
God is omnipresent!
 God is everywhere!
 God is Omnipotent!                                                                                      
God is busy answering prayers by doing great and wonderful deeds for all nations!
God is like an American satellite orbiting the Earth!
When he passed over Great Britain he was given a knighthood by the mother of Parliaments as a token of gratitude for sanctifying  the British Empire, patriarchy, phallocentrism and misogyny!"
Loud laughter erupted from the audience.
"God said that since it is not good for man to be alone, he the almighty God will make a Helper suitable for man.
Now, what does God  mean  and why has he chosen the word Helper?
God is a phallocrat!
God gave  man  a penis!
The penis is a status symbol!
Having a penis is no easy career!
It's the "pen"-ultimate responsibility!
The penis is too complicated to be handled by man alone!
So God realised man needs a suitable helper to help man sustain the penis." Explained the speaker.
Whistles and Laughter erupted in the audience.
"Moreover, God is omniscient, intelligent, compassionate, sophisticated, kind and    politically correct.
 God doesn't want to offend anyone, especially the one, the big W(woman), that has not been created yet.
When God was communicating with man he  used coded vocabulary which only man and God understood.
God chose the term "Helper" as a politically correct code so that sexist,  misogynist,  phallocentric, androcentric and patriarchal individuals will know what  God means or to whom he was referring." Explained the speaker.
Out breaks of loud laughter erupted from the audience.
The speaker continues to elaborate.
"Verse 19 states:
            'Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the        birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever       the man called each living creature, that was it's name.'
Verse 20 reads; "So man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the                                        field. But for Adam no suitable "helper" was found."
We have observed from the quoted verses that God empowered "man"  be the namer, the definer of each  "living creature" and NOT the big W .
You god fearing men out there know what I mean.
Furthermore, man or "Adam"  as God preferred to called him, obediently accepted his God given role without questioning or challenging God's sexist discriminatory  policy. Moreover, with incomprehensible conciliatory style verse 20 ended by highlighting the issue  that "poor"   Adam still had no suitable helper after disrespectfully alleging that "man gave names to all the livestock."
Ladies and gentlemen, what have we learnt so far from Genesis  the first book in the Holy Bible and the construction of gender?
What we have gathered so far  throughout the first chapter and up to verse 20 in  the second chapter of the book of Genesis is  the amazing accomplishment of the almighty God in creating man as the star of the genesis of life.
In addition how does the glorious God in all his wisdom defines what is man?
Let us revise.
1)  Man is made in the image of the Gods!
2) Man is ruler of the fish and all the creepy crawlies!
3) It is not good for man to be alone!
4) Man is a namer (definer)!
5) God will make a helper suitable for man!
God moves in mysterious ways.
All that we have been patiently  waiting for will be revealed in the next few verses.
So all those of you who are females or not labelled as man this is the sacred moment when you will find out your origin, status and role in  God's creation.
Ladies and gentlemen!
 I now quote from Genesis §2;
            Verse 21; "So the Lord god caused the man to fall into deep sleep; and while he was                                      sleeping, he took took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
                Verse 22; "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man,                               and he brought her to the man."
                Verse 23; "The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she                                        shall be called a "woman", for she was taken from a man."
Fellow mortals the first time woman was mentioned in the holy bible was in verse 22 in the second chapter in the book of Genesis.
Furthermore, God the supreme misogynist, put man into a deep deep deep sleep, severed one of man's  ribs without consent or an anaesthetic, made a new different  being from the rib taken from man and called the rib innovator, "woman."
Ever since the Gods have taken man's rib to create woman, the presence of woman  in man's mind has always provoked a severe pain in man's side.
We want our bones back!
It's the only remedy for our feelings of perceived insecurity!
Women have taken our ribs, taken jobs and  to add insults to men's injury women have taken and are wearing our trousers to cover those ribs!
We are weary because we have nothing left to wear!
According to the Bible  women  are only walking ribs!"  Announced the speaker.

Loud applause, laughter and cheers from the audience.

"My dear brother man, is that female standing by your side your sweetheart?"
Asked the speaker.

The male replied by nodding with a broad smile.

"Please remember, tonight when you are grooming and making love with your sweetheart, remind her that you are only grooming and making love to your own rib!" Proclaimed the speaker.

Cheers and applause from the audience.
"Also, if there are any misogynist among us, please keep in mind that when you abuse any woman you'll be abusing your own rib." Asserted the speaker.

Applause and smiles linger on the faces of the audience.

"There is more ladies and gentlemen!! The speaker reassures the audience.

"It's a lot of nonsense!
 Your quotations from the Bible are totally irrational!" Shouted a young female accompanied by her boy friend as they passed by the audience.

 As the  young couple did not stop for an answer, the speaker smiled and did not respond to the heckler's remarks.
It is often the case when some visitors arrived at  Speakers' Corner while a meeting is in progress and  the speaker is engaged in explaining a complex idea or a difficult subject as sexism in religious literature with irony, the new comers often interpret what they thought the speaker had said in a narrow, literal and prejudiced way thereby unwittingly distorting the aim, content or meaning of the subject under discussion. In this case, although the speaker agrees with the heckler to a point, the heckler is unaware of how and why the speaker is presenting the subject in an irrational way because as usual most hecklers at Speakers' Corner are not good listeners for various reasons including impatience, unreasonable assumptions or  motivated by malicious intentions.
The speaker aims to raise the level of consciousness  of some members of the audience to the subject of misogyny or abuse in human social relations within society, history and culture that is justified by the ideology of sexism. The use of irony as a method is to include all the contradictory factors thereby highlighting the tensions, ambiguities and irrationalities of the subject under discussion with the aim of stimulating discussion, debate and hopefully to create a better understanding of the subject under discussion.  
After a short pause caused by the heckler's interruption the speaker continued with the speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen!
 Geneses §3 verse 16 states:
                "To the woman he  said, 'I will greatly increase your pains in child bearing; with pain you                will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

In this quotation it is implied that God is constructed as masculine gender (he)  and as a demonstration of  his wonderful love for women he solemnly promises to "greatly increase" women's "pains in child bearing!" Commented the speaker.

 Praise the Lord!
All glory be to God the almighty!" Shouted a male member of the audience.

The audience erupted in rapturous laughter.

The speaker continues:
"Three points raised by  the quoted verse concerning  God's social policy towards the woman.
1)    God pledged to deliberately increased the painful suffering of the woman
        during child birth.
2)     If the woman has a desire she is not  morally, intellectually or legitimately
        qualified to exercise her free will to do as she pleases with her desire but must
        surrender any such desire to the control  of her husband to do as he wishes.   
3)     The husband is ordained by God  to  govern forever over the woman's  fate.
        God is a misogynist!                                                                           
Lets continue with the research Ladies and gentlemen!
1 Timothy 2:3  11-15
           (11)  "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
              (12)  " I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent."
              (13)  "For Adam was formed first, then Eve."
              (14)  "And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became the sinner."
              (15)  "But woman will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith, love and  holiness with  
These quoted verses portray woman as:
a) dumb, powerless and subservient creatures with passive bodies.
b)  As subordinate, evil conspirators undermining man's supremacy.
c)   Woman's sad and unfortunate plight can only be redeemed by the curse of childbearing on condition that she persevere in being gullible, devoted to god and man and blameless regardless of  all the previous misfortunes she had experienced.
Here, again, God does not fail to prove he is an ardent misogynist. Declared the speaker.

"Why do you hate women?" Shouted an angry female in the audience.

"Who are you?" Asked the speaker.

"I am a woman!
What do you think?
 Replied the resentful female as she moves forward protruding her seductive breasts with pride.

Some males in the audience whispered with excitement.                                                                  
"What is a woman?" Cross-examined the speaker.

"You tell me!"
Responded the cunning female.

"Do you think I am sexist because I'm talking about sexism? Asked the speaker

"Yes!" Interrupted a mischievous male.

"And who the hell are you?" Reacted the speaker in disgust.

"I'm a man!"
 You are a prick!" Replied the troublesome male.

"Do you love women?" Interrogated the speaker.

 I'm a man!
Of course I love women!" Replied the male.
"What is a man?" Cross-examined the speaker.

"Look you can see I have a dick!" Retorted the angry young male gripping his crutch with both of his hands while he  gyrated aggressively before the audience.

There was a mixed reaction from the audience. Some males cheered him on while others laughed approvingly. Some females utter sounds of ridicule, some leaped forward  curiously to investigate if there was any substance hidden under the crutch of his pants to prove whether the fuss being made by the insulting male was worthwhile, while others were obviously embarrassed.

"Are you a man?
Where is your penis?" Interjected another male accompanied by a female.

"Go on show us!" Shouted a male encouraged by a group of excited males.

At this conjuncture the misogynist chauvinist males realising the speaker is on his own, seized the opportunity to belittle him by demonstrating how masculine they are in defending their perceived stereotyped images of what women are or how they should be treated.

After a pause the speaker responded:
"As far as the penis is concerned, I don't have one!
I gave it to my girlfriend!
 She knows exactly what to do with it!

Laughter erupted in the audience.

Yes, you who call yourself a man and said you love women!
Why don't you stand up on a rostrum and educate, agitate and protest against the global patriarchal socio-economic structures, the  misogynist ideologies and the various negative forces of sexism that degrades humanity including the so-called women you pretend to love?
For those of you who aggressively opposes me and not the subject I'm address
Your mindless behaviour demonstrates your prejudices!
Instead of inquiring about the subject and why I am presenting it the way I do!
You took the liberty of  making some unreasonable assumptions and unfair judgements!
But let me ask you this!
What is the difference between an opinion, a point of view, a fact and a policy?
What is the difference between common sense, hypothesis and theory?
What is the difference between a discussion, a debate and an argument?
In other words, I do appreciate the dilemma and risks involved in attempting to address such a complex subject as sexism in a public place as Speakers' Corner where spontaneity, prejudices, disorder, unmanageable notions run free!
Do I have to be sexist to speak about sexism?
Do I have to be a vegetable to go to the kitchen?
Do I have to be sick to become a doctor?
Do I have to be excrement (shit) to go to the toilet?
Do I have to be ignorant to know what is ignorance?
So, please Ladies and gentlemen, let us not assume anything, otherwise anything will   make an ASS of yoU and ME  -  (ASS-U-ME)
Now let us return to the question of what a woman is!     
What I mean is, how would you define the term woman?
In other words, is or can a woman be defined as a word?
 A phrase?
A sentence?
A book?
A library?
Or an institution?
In fact according to the London School of Economics women are an institution!
Because of the existence of the 'Women's Institute' at the LSE.
The 'Women's Institute' conducts postgraduate courses and research projects on gender relations.
I recommend everyone,  to spend some money and embark on a course." Clarify the speaker after being deviated by a series of interruptions, some earnest, some probing and some  disruptive.    

1 Corinthians 11:3:8:9
(3)  "Now I want you to realise that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the   woman is man, and the head of Christ is God."
(8)  "For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;"
(9)  "neither was man created for woman, but woman for man."                                                           
With brevity, clarity and simplicity these verses of Corinthians describe the patriarchal, phallocentric, androcentric, sexist, misogynist, masculine and homosexual features of an unequal hierarchical world order created and sanctioned by the almighty God.
In other words woman is defined by the above quoted verses as:
1)  Belonging to a sub-sub-subordinate status within the patriarchal hierarchy
       represented by the masculine gender as God, Christ and man.
2)   As a derivative of and dependent on  man.
3)    As a subservient creature to man. 
God is a misogynist!
Let's continue Ladies and Gentlemen!
I Corinthians 14: 33-35
(34)  "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must   be in submission, as the law
(35)  "If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a
woman to speak in the church."                                                                   
Well! well! well!
Ladies and gentlemen!
This is it!
There are no hidden meanings!
Verse (34) clearly states that Women are not allowed to speak in the churches and should remain silent in submission to man and God.
This means that women who are priests are criminals! Women who sing, preach or make the slightest noise including farting  in church is guilty of disobeying God's law.
This means all the evangelical religious sects are committing heresy by allowing women in the congregation to sing, shout, scream, praying loudly "Praising Jesus" or making senseless noises, violently shaking their bodies and throwing themselves on to the floor.
For speaking in church is a devilish act.
To add insult to injury, verse (35) advises women to consult their husbands at home where patriarchy reigns supreme even if their husbands are less educated,  less able or more disable than they are. 
May I remind you Ladies and gentlemen that God is a misogynist.                                                                      
And finally Ladies and Gentlemen the last quotation is from 
1 Peter 3:1
 (1)  "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands   . . . . . ."
This verse aptly summarises  the final component that is essential in  constructing an  ideal triumphant patriarchal order  under the heavens, the state plus civil society  and  in every household thereby legitimising male domination over all women within the geography of human social relationships influencing international relations, industrial relations, gender relations, ethnic relations, family relations and ultimately personal relations.
Ladies and gentlemen!
That was sexism in religious literature with reference to the bible!
Thank you for your time and attention!
Thank you for being patient!
Thank you for understanding and tolerating the irony of my presentation!" Announced the speaker as he summed up his presentation to an attentive, active and appreciative audience.
The audience showed their appreciation by silent admiration, smiles and applause.

The speaker acknowledged the thankful audience by bowing  his head and raising his hands in salutation before  slowly dismounting  the rostrum to retreat into restful contentment.  
On this occasion the speaker was successful in his attempt to talk  about the subject of sexism in religious literature.
Speaking about religion and sexism  in an ironic style is often not appreciated at Speakers' Corner for many reasons including:-
a)  the presence of individuals legitimising fundamentalist views  of all sorts from religious to non-religious ideologies.
b) the prevalence of prejudice, misogyny, culture of masculinity and patriarchal    values among most speakers and visitors at Speakers' Corner.
 c) The ignorance, gender prejudices and intolerance towards individuals     expressing feminist perspectives that challenges the sexist misogynist     patriarchal popular ideologies of the status quo.
As a result of the above reasons the speaker is often subjected to victimisation ranging from psychological, emotional to physical abuse.
Since the speaker prefers a complicated style to present controversial subjects, he accepts this as a normal "performance hazard" to be experienced at Speakers' Corner, a minor price to pay for the dream of exercising the right to participate in the democratic process  defending  democratic values.
The illustration of sexism in religious literature, in this case the Holy Bible, demonstrates that misogyny, phallocentrism and patriarchal values have their respective foundations deep in "His-Story", society and the human psyche.
Even today, during the month of August Y2K as we explore the frontiers of ciberspace linking billions of human intellects with the internet revolution, the spectre of sexism is alive and kicking even in the prose of Article One concerning the Universal Declaration of Human Rights   instituted by the United Nations.
       It is  ironic at best but sad at worst that after Two Thousand years after the birth of Jesus - the son of God - the best or the highest form of organisation humanity has ever created on planet Earth has been the UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION, which celebrated decades dedicated to women's rights without any significant success in mobilising the appropriate and adequate human resources to radically eradicate the abuse, suffering, deprivation, exploitation, oppression, discrimination, fears and injustices degrading  humanity including individuals labelled women.
Here is an example given below:-
Article 1.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
Mrs. Robinson - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
"Human Rights are Women's Rights too  and the UN must be the uncompromising guardian of Women's Human Rights."
The last word ("brotherhood") of the First Article of The UN Declaration of Human Rights repudiates Mrs. Robinson's ethical affirmation that "Human Rights are Women's Rights too".
Why does the masculine gendered term "brotherhood" explicitly refers to men as a singular gender and implicitly includes women - as a different singular gender group in its universal interpretation?  
If it is true that  "Human Rights are Women's Rights too", then why  isn't the feminine gendered term "sisterhood" included as the last word of the First Article of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? 
While addressing an intelligent audience at Speakers' Corner, London, England, on the 6th of August Y2K, the Speaker read publicly  Article 1 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights after presenting an ironic discourse on the theme of sexism in "His-Story" and religious literature by quoting some  verses from the Holy Bible, to demonstrate the fact that sexism(i.e.-Misogyny, phallocentrism, androcentrism and patriarchy) is not only an ancient phenomenon but is also a contemporary problem confirming historical continuity, consistency and hegemony.
"His-Story" highlights the production, reproduction, legitimisation and endurance of the prevailing, socio-economic, political, cultural, ecological, military and technological conditions that stimulate the negative features such as sexism, familism, casteism, tribalism, nationalism, fascism and neo-fascism that punctuate the geography of human social relationships.
'UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights'.  
'Knowing Women'. Edited by  Helen Crowley and Susan Himmelweit. Polity Press.
'The lenses of Gender'. Sandra Lipsitz Bem. Yale University Press.
'Disciplining Foucault'. Jana Sawicki. Routledge.
'Breaking Out'. Liz Stanley and Sue Wise.
'Women as Revolutionary Agents of Change'. Shere Hite. Sceptre Books.

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