Visitor, Anti-Hero, Free Speech Artist & Enduring Survivor for many decades at Speakers Corner, London, England, UK, Planet Earth, Galaxy, Cosmos.
Civilised Greetings!
Thanks for visiting this blog.
I hope the topics presented will encourage criticism, discussion, learning, enjoyment and research.
Please send all comments on TOPICS to:- terminator.24@gmail.com
The Endurance Of Terminator 24 - (T24)
T24 do not represent any individual, group, community(ethnic, "race", "nation", gender, religion, tribe, caste, clan, class, status, family), organisation/social movement. Nor does any individual, group, community(ethnic, "race", nation, gender, religion, tribe, caste, clan, class, family), organisation/social movement represent T24.
T24 has endured the emotional, psychological and physical abuse including spewing in face, pelted with garbage, forcibly knocked off platform, bullying, slanderous attack and violent threats from reckless/malicious individuals including patriarchal religious fundamentalists and ethnophobics/ethocentrics.
Millions of diverse individuals visit SC. Some are civilised, some are amazed, some have a sense of humour, some are educated, some are employed, some are unemployed, some are unemployables, some are less abled, some are homeless, some are retirees, some are students, some are tourists, some are families, some are single, some are homosexuals, some are transvestites/transgender, some are abusers, some are abused, some are victims of petty crime, some argue, some debate, some discuss, some follow blindly, some are sad, some are lonely and some need healing.
Enjoyment at SC depend on the prevailing compassionate understanding, intelligence, wit, discipline, courage, honesty, dignity and social skills of all civilised individuals who visit SC.
T24 enjoys performing, interacting and discussing with the diverse tourists/visitors who frequent SC, Hyde Park, London. It's an amazing learning experience.
Encounters/Social relationships/risks
( (a) Free entrance to Hyde Park.
( (b) Safety & Security(Police presence).
( (c) Clean and comfortable environment(Beautiful trees and flowers)
( (d) Easy access to eating places, cultural/leisure/sporting/ play facilities/areas.
( (e) Disiplined compassionate intelligence of animals including humans.
( (f) Daring Sqirrrels sharing food with kind visitors.
( (g) Children whose parents are their best friends.
( (h) Civilised Tourists from all the Continents on Planet Earth.
( (i) Intelligent disciplined Vigilance of Police Officers.
( (j) Freedom of Speech.
( (k) Freedom of Assembly
( (l) Disciplined, educated and compassionate individuals that participate/interact in the audience
( (m) Calmness
( (n) Tolerance
( (o) Patience
( (p) Compassion
( (q) Observation
( (r) Civilised speakers and hecklers with a sense of humour
( (s) Satire
( (t) Irony
It is illogical/unreasonable to expect abusers who are nurtured/developed in an exploitative/oppressive/colonised socio-economic environment to be compassionate, honest and confess their evil acts. Some abusers are aware of the vigilance/cleverness of potential victims and will not reveal the intentions, motivations and interests of their hurtful schemes.
Encounters/Social relationships/risks
(a) Abusers(including some so-called speakers) and compliant victims.
(b) Victims that empower victimers by suffering in silence.
(c) Sociopaths
(d) Backstabbers
(e) Manipulators
(f) Masochists
(g) Sadists.
(h) Inconsiderate/irresponsible smokers producing passive smoking
(i) Ethnocentrics
(j) Ethnophobics
(k) Fanatical followers
(l) Neo-Fascists
(m) Racists
(n) Rapists
(o) Sexists
(p) Misogynists
(q) Misandrists
(r) Misanthropists
(s) Anthropocentrics
(t) Tribalists
(u) Casteists
(v) Fundamentalists
(w) Phallocentrics.
Encounters/Social relationships/risks
( (a) Prejudice
( (b) Bigotry
( (c) Chauvinism
( (d) Hate
( (e) Manipulation
( (f) Frustration
( (g) Impatience
( (h) Anger/rage
( (i) Blind aggression
( (j) Disrespect inciting ignorance
( (k) Intolerance
( (l) Dogma.
(m) Lack of sense of humour.
( (n) Isms including ethnocentrism/ethnophobia prevail -- big-time.
( (o) Abuse of drugs and alcohol.
( (p) Anti-social behaviour
( (q) Throwing garbage at the speaker and spoiling the clothing of members of the audience.
( (r) Contemptuous attitude of some regular visitors.
( (s) Encountering unreformed abusers repetitively
+    ++++
P O E M S & Q U O T A T I O N S
57 would be Asians
21 would be Europeans
14 would be from the Western Hemisphere, both North and South
would be Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
people would possess 59% of the entire world’s wealth and all 6 would be from the USA.
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
would be near death; 1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness…. You are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week.
If you have ever experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation…..you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death…..you are more fortunate than three billion people in the world.
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep….you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dishsome place….you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.
If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more fortunate than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.
G L O B A L I S A T I O N.
Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
Answer: An English princess, with an Egyptian boyfriend, crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling), followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.
This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gates's technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that use Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.....
That, my friends, is GLOBALISATION!
MAN enjoys  the great advantage of having a god endorse the code he writes; and since man  exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially fortunate that this authority has been vested in him by the supreme being. For the Jew, Mohammedans and Christians, among others, man  is  master  by   devine  right; the  fear  of  god  will therefore  repress  any impulse  to  revolt  in  the  down  trodden female”. - Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex.
“The Woman you call the mother of the child is not the parent just a nurse to the seed . . . the man is the source of life.” – Opollo’s ruling.
Virtues and actions are nobler, when they proceed from those who are naturally worthier, for instance,from a man rather than a woman.” – Aristotle, ‘Art of Rhetoric’ 1. 1367a.
Women and children and houses and all other things are (Still) the Property of Individuals.” - [Plato - Laws vii, 807. ]
Because woman's work is never done
and is underpaid or unpaid or boring or repetitious
and we're the first to get the sack
and what we look like is more important than what we do
and if we get raped it's our fault
and if we get bashed we must have provoked it
and if we raise our voices we're nagging bitches
and if we enjoy sex we're nymphos
and if we don't we're frigid
and if we love women it's because we can't get a real man
and if we ask our doctor too many questions we're neurotic and/or pushy
and if we expect community care for children we're selfish
and if we stand up for our rights we're aggressive
and "unfeminine" and if we don't we're typical weak females
and if we want to get married we're out to trap a man
and if we don't we're unnatural
and because we still can't get an adequate safe contraceptive
But men can walk on the moon
and if we can't cope or don't want a pregnancy we're made to feel guilty about abortion
and . . . . . for lots and lots of other reasons we are part of the women's liberation movement.
- - by Joyce Stevens
M I S O G Y N Y / M I S A N D R Y
Slap, grab, punch, choke, restrain, pull hair, pinch, bite, rape, use force, threats or coercion to obtain sex and/or indulge in sexual practices which she does not want.
Use of weapons : - Throwing things, keeping weapons around which frightened her.
Abuse of furniture: - Pets, destroying her possessions, tearing or spoiling her clothing.
Intimidation: - Standing in the doorway during arguments, angry or threatening gestures, use of your size to intimidate, standing over her, driving recklessly, uninvited touching, covering her mouth to stop her talking.
Threats of violence: - Verbal or non-verbal, direct or indirect, self inflicted injury – e.g., hitting your head on walls or threatening suicide.
Harassment: - e.g. Uninvited visits or calls, following her, checking up on her, not hearing when asked.
Isolation: - Preventing or making it harder for her to see of talk to friends,relatives and others.
Making derogative comments about her friends.
Yelling, swearing , being coarse, raising your voice, using angry expressions or gestures, embarrassing her.
Criticism, name calling, mocking, put downs, ridicule, accusations, blaming, humiliating.
Angrily waking her up from sleep.
Pressure tactics: - Pushing her to make decisions or hurry up, walking in front of her, using guilt, sulking, threats of withholding financial support, manipulation the children.
Interrupting, changing the subject, not listening or responding, picking up the newspaper when she wants to talk, twisting her words, topic stringing.
Economic Harassment: - Getting angry with her where the money goes, not allowing access to money, the car or other resources, sabotaging her attempts to work, believing you are the provider and thinking that she could not survive without you, saying that the money you earn is yours.
Claiming the truth, being the authority: - Claiming the right to define what is logical, rational, reasonable or fair in the relationship.
Calling her stupid or otherwise, defining her behaviour as illogical, unreasonable, irrational, etc, logic chopping, lying, withholding information about your activities, infidelity.
Using pornography, including home videos, against her wishes.
Not helping with child care or house work, saying that you have already done a day;s work.
Not keeping to agreements.
Abusing your power over the children, either emotionally or physically.
Emotional withholding: - Not expressing your feelings, or giving support, thinking your problems are more than hers.
Not giving attention or compliments.
Not respecting her feelings, rights or opinions.
Not initiating conversation about the relationship, but expecting your partner will do it all. Sulking.
Not taking care of yourself and refusing to learn basic skills, cooking etc.
Abusing drugs, alcohol, not eating properly, not making friends and seeking help and support from them.
Believing that you have the right to define appropriate wifely and motherly behaviour and not offering your expectations to negotiation.
Criticising her motherly qualities and performance. Accusing her of neglecting the children or using threats of taking them away etc.
Telling her that if she doesn’t like it she knows what she can do – pack, leave, etc.
Not acknowledging that the relationship is important to you, telling her that you do not need her, or love her etc.
Violence: - Rape, Battering, Sexual Harassment, Homicide, Pornography.
Covert Controls: - Anger, Emotional withholding, Conversational politics, Body space and politics, Sex roles, Pornography.
Reinforced by Institutional controls: - Male monopoly of policy making institutions – business and government.
Male control of reality defining institutions;- History, Science, Art, Religion, Psychology, Medicine.
WOMEN  & Waiting
Waiting for my breast to develop
Waiting to wear a bra
Waiting to menstruate
Waiting for life to begin, Waiting –
Waiting to be somebody
Waiting to get married
Waiting for my wedding day
Waiting for my wedding night
Waiting for the end of the day
Waiting for sleep.  Waiting  . . . . . . . . .
- Faith Wildung
“MEN IN LOVE” – What do they Want?
MEN WANT - the fantasy princess.
MEN DEMAND - contrary demands
Men Want: - a mother who is strong, independent woman.
Men Demand: want a child who is totally dependent so that she can never abandon them.
Men Want: - a virgin with no sexual needs of her own.
Men Demand: - desire a whore.
Men Want: - an intelligent woman with a mind of her own.
Men Demand - a woman who always defers to them and never bores them with her own opinions.
Men Want - a woman to be beautiful and sexually exciting at all times.
Men Demand - she must not be aware of her beauty or sexuality.
Men Want - to be fed, watered, cleaned up after. Etc.
Men Demand a woman who can do all these things and look as if she has just left the beautician.
Men Want - a woman to bear their children.
Men Demand - do not require a mother.
Men Want - a woman who thinks they’ll die without her.
Men Demand - . . . . But believe they could leave her at the drop of a hat.
Men Want - a woman to meet their needs and be quite happy to be put away until they need her again.
Men Demand . . . . But not to make any demands, and never to assume that they need her, or be upset when they don’t.
Men Want - her to believe in committed relationships.
Men Demand - . . . . And be quite happy that they don’t commit themselves to her.
Men Want - a woman who can take being hated.
Men Demand - . . . . But they hate her for her guilt –inducing masochism and feel contempt for it.
Men Want - a woman to love them whatever they do.
Men Demand - . . . But doesn’t expect their love to be so unconditional.
Men want a woman who wants to be possessed, and has no objections to being used in any way men see fit.
The Ballad of Reading Goal
Yet  each man kills the thing he loves,
By each let this be heard.
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!
Some kill  their love when they are young,
And some when they are old;
Some strangle with the hands of lust,
Some with the hands of gold:

The kindest use a knife, because

The dead so grow cold.
Some love too little, some too long,
Some sell, and others buy;
Some do the deed with many tears,
And some without a sigh:
For each man kill the thing he loves,
Yet each man does not die.
- Oscar Wilde
I am the raper of the Sabine.
The murderer of the Minotaur.
I am the destroyer of the Temple.
The sieger of Xantos
And the builder of Babel
I am the conqueror of the Amazons
The barbarians of Ursula
And the beheader of Medusa.
For I am Death
Death himself
For I am "M a n".
- - by Brett Jacka
Sabina  the woman of Rome (?) Attacked by barbarians.
Minotaur- man with bull’s head.
Temple- that that was in Jerusalem etc…
Xantos- the Capital of the Lycian State, Sieged twice in its history with
both times 98% casualties.
Babel- the tower from the Bible.
Amazons- a woman race of warriors.
Ursula- a saint, who with 100’s of other women was attacked and raped on her return from Rome.
Medusa- one of the Gorgons beheaded by Perseus.
“I am talking about societies drained of their essence, cultures trampled underfoot, institutions undermined, lands confiscated, religions smatched, magnificent artistic creations destroyed, extraordinary possibilities wiped out….
I am talking about thousands of men sacrificed to the Congo-Ocean.
I am talking about those who, as I write this, are digging the harbour of Abidjan by hand.
I am talking about millions of men torn from their gods, their lands, their habits, their life – from life, from the dance, from wisdom.
I am talking about millions of men in whom fear has been cunningly instilled, who have been taught to have an inferiority complex, to tremble, kneel, despair and behave like flunkies." -- by Aime’ Cesaire
Biological determinism justifies:- Sexism, ethnocentrism/ethnophobia, racism, fascism, elitism, slavery, rape, anti-semitism, poverty, inequality, warfare, violence, laziness, drug addition, homophobia, male dominance, corruption, political hierarchy, patriarchy, phallocentrism, anthropocentrism.
“Women have almost universally found themselves relegated to the nursery while men have derive their greatest satisfaction from their jobs ……Such differences in male – female attachment to family versus vacation could derive in part from hormonal differences between the sexes.” [ - page 301. David Barash(1977), ‘Socio-biology and Behavoir’.Elsevier, New York.]
“Patriarchy was inevitable because male domination was biologically ordained.” [ - S. Goldberg (1974) - ‘The inevitability of Patriarchy’. Temple Smith, London.]
(Men cannot help themselves when they rape women.) Men are - “Victims of an impulse, which left to itself is one of the most destructive of human urges.” [- R. Scruton, (anti-feminist writer), ‘The Case Against Feminism’, 1983.
“Even with identical education for men and women and equal access to all professions, men are likely to maintain disproportionate representation in political life, business and science.” [ - E. O. Wilson –(biologist), 1978, ‘On Human Nature’, Cambridge, MA., Havard University Press. New York, Bantam, 1980.]
Raging (reproductive) Hormones
“If you had an investment in a bank, you wouldn’t want the president of the bank making a loan under those raging hormonal influences at that particular period. Suppose we had a president in the white house, a menopausal woman president who had to make the decision of the Bay of pigs, which was of course a bad one, on a Russian contretemps with Cuba at that time.” [ - an American doctor, K. Paige in ‘Women Learn To Sing The Blues’, Psychology Today. Sept., 1973.
Mrs “T”. “Was not fully capable of making vital decisions like that between war and peace simply because she was a woman and like every woman was affected by the menstrual cycle. [ Tam Dalyell, MP., (during Falklands/Malvinas War in 1982.)
‘Alloa(Scotland) Advertiser'. During a Parliamentary debate on the British Nationality Bill of 1981. Enoch Powell proposed that British citizenship should be passed on only through the father and plans to let a child claim nationality through its mother was:- “A concession to a temporary fashion based upon a shallow analysis of human nature . . . Men and women have distinct social functions, with men as fighters and women responsible for creating and preserving life; societies can be destroyed by teaching themselves myths which are inconsistent with the nature of man.” [ - ‘The Sun’, London, 18/2/1981.]
At the 1981 Labour party Conference - The chairman thanked the women for their tea making, he was successfully challenged by feminists under the slogan - “Women make policy not tea.”
“The type of the female skull approaches in many respects that of the infant, and still more that of the lower races.” [ - Mcgriggor Allan, 1869, E. Fee, ‘Nineteenth Century Craniology: The Study of the Female Skull’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 53, 1979, page 415-433.]
“Male brains were heavier.” - [ Paul Broca, page 143, ‘Not in Our Genes’, Steven Rose, Penguin Books, 1984.]
“Some at least of those mental traits in which women may excel are traits characteristic of the lower races.” [ - Charles Darwin, page 569, ‘Descent of Man’]
‘The Negro resembles the female in his love for children, his family and his cabin . . . . The Blackman is to the whiteman what woman is to man in general, a loving being and a being of pleasure.” [ - F. Pruner,‘Transactions of the Ethnological Society’, page 13-33, 1886.
Kant: - Declared that women who wanted to learn Greek must grow a beard.
Kierkegaard: - Labelled women who attempted to improve their thinking powers as – “unwomanly”.
Freud: - Condemned women who defiantly succeeded in a man’s world as being castrated and motivated by thepenis envy.
Nietzsche: (1) “Everything about a woman is a riddle, and everything about woman has one solution. Its called pregnancy.
(2) Nietzche(who Admired the civilisation of Greece) defined women’s role as:- “Women had no other mission than to produce beautiful, strong babies, in which the father’s character lived on as unbrokenly as possible.”
(3) “Women are biological mothers. Men are spiritual mothers.”
(4) “Finally: Woman! One-half of mankind is weak, typically sick, changeable, inconstant – woman needs strength inorder to cleave to it; she needs a religion that glorifies being weak, loving, and being humble as devine.”
(5) “Every artist knows what a harmful effect intercourse has in states of great spiritual tension and preparation.”
(6) “The higher men have no biological function in parenting the superman; their function is spiritual.”
(7) In ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ – women are told ( a) "Let your hope be: May I bear the Superman?” (b) The old woman tells Zarathustra: “Are you visiting women? Do not forget your whip.”
(8In ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ :- (a) “Women who choose emancipation are incapable of giving birth.”(b) “When a woman has scholarly inclinations there is usually something wrong with her sexuality.” (c)“Women must be “repressed”, kept under “possessed”, “predestined for service”, and “kept afraid of man.”(d) “Women wants to become self-reliant and for that reason she is beginning to enlighten men about “woman as such:” This is one of the worst developments of the general uglification of Europe.”
Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.
Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.
Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.’
Pesahim 111a. It is forbidden for dogs, women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads.
Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.
"A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself; but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer." - Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia
"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated." -9boda Sarah 37
"A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl." - &ad. Shas. 2:2
"A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat." -Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan 9ruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
"A Jew may misuse the non-Jewess in her state of unbelief." - Maimonides, Jak. Chasaka 2:2
Christians have intercourse with animals. - Abhodah Zarah (22a):
Female Jews contaminated when meeting Christians. - Iore Dea (198, 48):
Sexual intercourse with Christian same as intercourse with beast. - Sanhedrin (74b)
The seed [children] of Christians valued same as the seed of a beast. - Kethuboth (3b):
Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.
Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.
Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.
Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."
Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).
Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
"It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the law. He who would do it would be as guilty as though he destroyed the whole world." - Jektat Chadasz, 171, 3
"Every goy who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die." -Sanhedryn, 59a, aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga 13
"To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly." - Libbre David 37
"If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death." - Libbre David
Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them." -Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Via 17
"The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts..." -Saba Mecia 114, 6
"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." - Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D
"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." - Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L
"Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human." - Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b
"If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog." - Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]
* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)
THE HOLY BIBLE (King James version)
GENESIS 1:26-27
26. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
GENESIS 2:18-23
18. And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.
19. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
20. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him.
21. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from manmade he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
16. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
1 TIMOTHY 2:11-14
11. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
3. But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
1 CORINTHIANS 14: 33-35
33. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
34. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
35. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church
1 PETER 3:1
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
Homo & bestiality
LEVITICUS 20:13,15,16
13. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
15. And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.
16. And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Women – Excluded - Surah; 2: 221
2: 221. Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise.
Women – Menstruation: - pollution (illness) - Surah: 2: 222
2: 222. They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.
Women – Dirt or Manure(tilth) Surah 2: 223
2: 223. Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah. And know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.
Men Are Stronger, Beat women - Surah 4: 34
4: 34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength)than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).
Marry 4 women Surah 4:3
4: 3. If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice,Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.
One Male = Two Females - Surah 4: 11
4:11. Allah (thus) directs you as regards your Children's (Inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females: if only daughters, two or more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance; if only one, her share is a half. For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children; if no children, and the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third; if the deceased Left brothers (or sisters) the mother has a sixth. (The distribution in all cases ('s) after the payment of legacies and debts. Ye know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. These are settled portions ordained by Allah. and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
Indecent Women(whore) - Surah 4: 15-16
15. If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testifyconfine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.
16. If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
Exterminating Populations - Surah 22: 45
45. How many populations have We destroyed, which were given to wrong- doing? They tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lying idle and neglected, and castles lofty and well-built?
Exclude Other Religions - Surah 3: 85
85. If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah., never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).
Pagans are Unclean, Fight unbelievers - Surah 9: 28-29
28. O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
29. Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Fight & Slay Pagans - Surah 9:5
5. But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
FASCISM - Features
1. Militant nationalism, proclaiming the racial and cultural superiority of the dominant ethnic group and asserting that group's inherent right to a special dominant position over other peoples in both the domestic and the international order
2. The blind obedience to authority(a single charismatic national leader said to possess near superhuman abilities and to be the truest representation of the ideals of the national culture, whose will should therefore literally be law)
3. Professing extreme national unity while demanding a very powerful and disciplined state organization (excessive secret police force and censorship apparatus), unlimited by constitutional restrictions or legal requirements and under the absolute domination of the leader and his political movement or party.
4. Aggressive anti-Communism combined with a perceived severe and imminent threat to national security from powerful and determined forces(communist etc) both inside and outside the country
5. Hatred for democratic socialism, democratic capitalism, liberalism, and all forms of individualism as weak, degenerate, divisive and ineffective ideologies leading only to mediocrity or national suicide
6. Worshipping of physical strength, dogmatic personal devotion to the leader, and general combat-readiness as the supreme personal virtues.
7. An advanced bureaucracy for systematically propagandizing the population into accepting these values and ideas through skilled manipulation of the mass media, which are completely controlled by the regime once the movement comes to power
8. A passion for pursuing a militaristic and aggressive foreign policy
9. Strict regulation and control of the economy by the regime through some form of corporatist economic planning in which the legal forms of private ownership of industry are nominally preserved but in which both workers and capitalists are obliged to submit their plans and objectives to the most detailed state regulation and extensive wage and price controls, which are designed to insure the priority of the political leadership's objectives over the private economic interests of the citizenry. Therefore under fascism most of the more important markets are allowed to operate only in a non-competitive, cartelized, and governmentally "rigged" fashion.
Institutional Racism
"The collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes: attitudes and behavoir which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people."(Macpherson 1999)
“. . . . the prevalence of a definition of racism in terms of superiority/inferiority has helped conceal how common is a form of racism that does not need to make such assertions - indeed, can make a positive virtue out of not making them. It is indeed a mith about the past that racism has generally been of the superiority/inferiority kind." - Barker 1981: 4
". . . a theory of human nature. Human nature is such that it is natural to form a bounded community, anation, aware of its differencefrom other nations. They are not better or worse. But feelings of antagonism will be aroused if outsiders are admitted .... Each community is a common expression of human nature, all of us from exclusive communities on the basis of shared sentiments, shutting out outsiders." - Barker 1981: 21-2
"This, then, is the character of New Racism. It is a theory that I shall call biological or better, pseudo biological culturalism. Nations in this view are not built out of politics and economics, but out of human nature. It is in our biology, our instincts, to defend our way of life, traditions and customs against outsiders - not because they are inferior but because they are part of different cultures. This is a non-rational process; and none the worse for it. For we are soaked in, made up out of, our traditions and our culture.” -Barker 1981 pp. 23
"It is equally wrong not to recognise that racial selectivity - a natural human preference for one's own kind - is deeply engrained in all peoples, whatever their colour or creed". - 'Daily Express’ editorial on 20/4/81
“ Any Fool knows (though some fools would rather not know) that the process which Darwin called natural selection means that, on the whole, people prefer their ‘own folk’ - their own ethnic stuck. Its in our genes. It is part ofevery person’s nature, black or white.” - Robert McNeill commentator of the Daily Star argued on 18/4/84.
English/British Nation/Race – Thatcher & Blair
“That is an awful lot, and I think it means that people are really rather afraid that this country might beswamped by people of a different culture. The British character has done so much for democracy, for law and done so much throughout the world that if there is any fear that it might be swamped, then people are going to be rather hostile to those coming in.” - Mrs Thatcher February 1978 0n TV )
“The people of the Falkland Islands, like the people of the United Kingdom, are an island race. Their way of life is British; their allegiance is to the Crown. They are few in number but they have the right to live in peace, to choose their way of life, and to determine their own allegiance. Their way of life is British; their allegiance is to the Crown.” - Margaret Thatcher, the Falklands crisis debate in the House of Commons on 03/04/1982.
“When we started out, there were the waverers and the faint hearts, the people who thought that Britain could no longer seize the initiative for herself . . . that Britain was no longer the nation that had built an Empire and rules a quarter of the world. Well they were wrong. The lesson of the Falklands is that thisnation still has those sterling qualities which shine through our history.” - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher statement in 07/1982 after the defeat of the “Argies”
“. . . . . . . .This country is a blessed nation. The British are special. The world knows it. In our innermost thoughts, we know it. This is the greatest nation on earth. It has been an honour to serve it. I give my thanks to you, the British people, for the times I have succeeded, and my apologies to you for the times I have fallen short. Good Luck.” - Tony Blair, statement on 10th May 2007.
“All men everywhere belong to a single species: as the case with other species....All men share their essential hereditary characteristics in common having received them from common ancestors . . . Race is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth of race has created an enormous amount of human and social damage.” - U.N.E.S.C.O. conclusion.
"Racism falsely claims that there is a scientific basis for arranging groups hierarchically in terms of psychological and cultural characteristics that are immutable and innate" - U.N.E.S.C.O. 4th statement on "race".
Nation - Deuteronomy 4: 6-8
6. Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations,which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
7. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
8. And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
God made Abraham a great nation - Genesis. 12: 1-3,7
1. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
7. And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.
God commands Abram(now Abraham) to walk before him and be perfect - Genesis. 17: 7-10
7: And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8: And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
9: And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.
10: This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.
God tells Moses on the mountain - Exodus. 19: 4-6
4. Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.
5. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
6. And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
God choose Israel - Deuteronomy 7: 6-8
6. For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy GOD hath CHOSEN thee to be aSPECIAL people unto himself, ABOVE all people that are upon the face of the earth.
7. The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
8. But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
God orders Israelites to separate ethically and ritually from other peoples - Leviticus. 19:2, 20:26
19: 2: Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy.
20:26: And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the LORD am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine.
Israel to become the Light of nations; - Isaiah. 42: 6-7
6. I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;
7. To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
Cromwell(1657) described the English as:-
"A people of the blessing of god; a people under his safety and protection, a people calling upon the name of the lord; which the heathen do not. A people knowing god; and a people fearing god. And you have of this no parallel; no, not in all the world ....You have a good eye to watch over you.... A god that has watched over you and us. A god that hath visited these nations with a stretched out arm; and bore His witness against the unrighteousness and ungodliness of man, against those that would have abused such nations." . . - (Anthony D. Smith, Chosen Peoples, page 122)
Holy people = living people = a nation on its soil:-
Early Zionist pioneers.
"There is a cosmic element in nationality which is its basic ingredient. That cosmic element may best be described as the blending of the natural landscape of the Homeland with the spirit of the people inhabiting it. That is the mainspring of a people’s vitality and creativity, of its spiritual and cultural values." - (Aaron David Gordon, Our tasks ahead 1920.A. D. Smith, Chosen Peoples, 2003)
Israel’s destiny as an exemplary nation:-
"We are the first to proclaim that man is created in the image of god. We must go further and say; the nation must be created in the image of god. Not because we are better than others, but because we have borne upon our shoulders and suffered all which calls for this. It is by paying the price for torments the likes of which the world has never known, that we have won the right to be the first in this work of creation." - (Aaron David Gordon, Avodatenu me’atah’ 1920, A. D. Smith, Chosen Peoples. 2003)
+ + + +
An atheist is a man with no invisible means of support.  - John Buchan
An atheist is a guy who watches a Notre Dame-SMU football game and doesn't care who wins. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
It is a poetic principle that the freedom of the individual must fight against the restrictions of reality... I am still, thank God, an atheist. - Luis Bunuel
If there were no God, there would be no atheists. - Gilbert K. Chesterton
A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C. S. Lewis
I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays. -  Henny Youngman
I'm a born-again atheist. - Gore Vidal
I am a daylight atheist. - Brendan Behan
Atheism is a non-prophet organization. - George Carlin
The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank. - Dante Gabriel Rossetti
If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever. - Woody Allen
Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends. - Woody Allen
To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition. - Woody Allen
I don't believe in the after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear. -   Woody Allen
It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us. - Peter De Vries
I animate all those who fight against servitude and somnolence.
The heroes and martyrs of Liberty and progress in every age have drunk of the strength of my spirit.
I inspire the revolter, the scorner, the sceptic, the satirist.
I shall distribute the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
I am the soul of the world.
The fire of my inspiration may consume, but it gives unspeakable rapture.
I am the Prometheus of the Universe, and keep it from stagnating under the icy hand of power.
Milton, Goethe, and Byron made Me the hero of their greatest poems, and felt my power in despite of themselves.
Burns spoke of Me with a tenderness he never displayed towards God.
Wits and humorists own my sway.
I love the mind of Aristophanes and Lucian, of Erasmus and Rabelais, and through the pen of Voltaire I shattered the mental slavery of Europe.
I am the lightning of the human mind.
I level thrones and alters, and annihilate binding customs.
With the goad of a restless aspiration I urge men on,
until they outgrow faith and fear,
until the slave stands erect before the Tyrant and defies his curse.
- - by Carducci
No man/woman is worth your tears
and the only one who is, will never make you cry.
If you love someone,
put their name in a circle,
instead of a heart, because hearts can break,
but circles go on forever.
Everyone hears what you say.
Friends listen to what you say.
Best friends listen to what you don't say.
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge,
I wouldn't jump with them.
I'd be at the bottom to catch them.
Don't frown, because you never know who's falling in love with your smile!
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." - - Mother Teresa.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." - - Plato.
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone,
and a day to love someone
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Woman will get only what she seeks.
Choose your goals carefully.
Know what you like and what you do not like.
Be critical about what you can do well and what you cannot do well.
Choose a career or lifestyle that interests you and work hard to make it a success
but also have fun in what you do.
Be honest with people and help them if you can but don’t depend on anyone
to make life easy or happy for you(only you can do that for yourself).
Be strong and decisive but remain sensitive.
Understand who you are and what you want in life before sharing your life with someone.
When you are ready to enter a relationship make sure that the person is worthy of everything you are physically and mentally.
Strive to achieve all that you want.
Find happiness in everything you do.
Love with your entire being.
Love with an uninhibited soul.
Make a triumph of every aspect of your life.
- Susan Polis Schutz
Our Larger
Which art in barrels.
Hallowed be thy drink.
I will be drunk.
At home as in the tavern.
Give us this day our foamy head.
And forgive us our spillages.
As we forgive those who spill against us.
And lead us not to incarceration.
But deliver us from hangovers.
For thine is the beer, The bitter and The Lager.
Forever and ever,
+ + + +
"It is not possible to enslave men without logically making them inferior through and through. And RACISM is only the emotional, affective, sometimes intellectual explanation of this inferiorisation."
Country that draws its substance from the exploitation from Other Peoples, makes those peoples InferiorRACE Prejudice applied to those peoples is Normal."
Colonialist country is RACIST."
 RACIST in a Culture with RACISM is therefore Normal."
RACISM stairs one in the face for it so happens that it belongs to a characteristic whole: that of the shameless exploitation of one group of men by another which has reached a higher stage of technical development.
This is why military and economic oppression precedes, makes possible and legitimises RACISM".
"The battle line against hunger, against ignorance, against poverty, and against unawareness ought to be ever present in the muscles and the intelligences of men and women."
"The body of history does not determine a single one of my actions
I am my own foundation."
"I have no religion in the formal sense of the word .... I have no race except that which is forced upon me. I have no country except that to which I'm obliged to belong. I have no traditions. I'm free. I have only the future." - - Richard Wright, Pagan Spain.
“White racism toward me is “not the kind of racism that sometimes circumscribes my life as a Black African Brit. “It’s the social racism I experience from people of Arab descent, of Southeast Asian descent. This is the racism no one is talking about.” - Herbert agyemang-duah

"I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me." - - by Winston Churchill.
"Atheists do not really believe in any unseen means of support." - - by T24
"I want nothing to do with any religion concerned with keeping the masses satisfied to live in hunger, filth and ignorance." - - by Jawaharlal Nehru
"A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it".
- - by Oscar Wilde
"Force and fraud, are in war two cardinal virtues." - - by Thomas Hobbes
"To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war." - - by Winston Churchill
"The broad masses of the people . . . will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one." - - by Adolf Hitler
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, dammed lies, and statistics." - - by Benjamin Disraeli
"When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom." - - by Confucius
"Most people would die sooner than think; in fact, they do." - - by Bertrand Russell.
"Most people prefer the existence of a problem which they cannot explain, to an explanation of it which they cannot understand." - - by Arthur Balfour
"Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even when there's no river." - - by Nikita Krushchev
"Whenever you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship." - - by Harry S. Truman
"The system of good government is to neglect the virtuous and abolish the wise." - - by Lord Shang
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - - by Winston Churchill
"True equality exists in the treatment of unequal things unequally." - - by Aristotle
'The moment you pronounce the word "slave" you pronounce your own dishonour.' - - by Robespierre
"I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back." - - by Leo Tolstoy
"Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve." - - by George Bernard Shaw
"Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they've told you what you think it is you want to hear." - - by Alan Conen
"All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises not from the defects of the Constitution, or Confederation, not from want of honor, of virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the natureof coin, credit and circulation." - - by John Adams Founding father of the American Constitution.
"Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given. But up to now he hasn't been a creator, only a destroyer. Forests keep disappearing, rivers dry up,wild life's become extinct, climate's ruined and the land grows poorer and uglier every day." - - by Anton Chekhov
“When the actions of the people are controlled by prohibitive laws, the country becomes more and more impoverished. Therefore the wise man says: I will design nothing, and the people will shape themselves. I will keep quite and the people will find their rest. I will not assert myself, and the people will come forth. I will discountenance ambition, and the people will return to their natural simplicity." - - by Lao Tse
"As long as there are Slaughter Houses . . . There will be Battle Fields." --- Leo Tolstoy
"It's a funny old world - a man's lucky if he gets out of it alive." - - by W.C. Fields
“With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10%, will ensure its employment anywhere; 20% certain will produce eagerness; 50%, positive audacity; 100%, will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300%, and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring profit, it will encourage both. Smuggling and the slave trade have amply proved all that is here stated.” - T. J. Dunning.
[In 1667 an act was passed for  'the  better ordering and governing of negroes.'  It commences, 'Whereas the plantations and estates of this Island cannot be fully managed and brought into use without the labour  and service of great numbers of negroes and  other slaves . . . 'All through the second half of the seventeenth century there were of course many English, Irish, and Welsh indentured apprentices (practically slaves) and political prisoners who were sold as slaves by the British Government and were worst treated than were the negroes.] - Sir Harry H. Johnston, page 212-213, 'The Negro in the New World', 1910..

BUREAUCRACY      =    The State takes your TWO cows, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain.
CAPITALISM      =      You sell one cow  and buy a bull.

COMMUNISM      =     The State takes your TWO cows and gives you the milk.
SOCIALISM:      =   The State buys your TWO  cows and gives you the milk.
FASCISM      =    The State takes your TWO cows and sells you the milk.
- Brett Jacka
"Humanity is the only supreme being for Humanity."
"Don't make water on my head and tell me it's raining."
"Racism is not a factor of human nature."
"Ethnophobias/Ethnocentrisms/Isms are Prisms/Schisms that legitimize Sadisms."
"Yes! I am guilty for rejecting the diverse colours of the feathers associated with chickens before I cookand ultimately perform the tasty ritual of violently chewing/eating the MEAT. It gives me great Peace Of Mind."
Skin Talk
"The Lithosphere(Earth's Skin) is the skin."
"The enemy is under the skin."

"An environmentally friendly lifestyle sustains and enriches, not colour(perverse) the skin."
"The skin does not determine the actions of the living, only the dead and/or the alienated."

Is the colour of the skin a wrapping of outstanding values?"
"Sometimes the skin/nature is more protective/secure towards the body than ideologies thatpromote the reificationessentialism and racialisation/ethnicisation of
a) Colour[eyes, hair, skin],
b) Community[family, clan, tribe, class, caste, ethnic, nation, region, religion]
and c) Identity[ethnic/race, gender, clan, tribe, nation, religion, ideology, culture, economic, political, region, social class/status]."
* Can
 the Discourse/Politics of "Identities"("family", "clan", "tribe", "caste", "status", "class", "ethnic", "gender", "race", "nation", "human", "region", "ideology", "culture", "religion" etc;) Create any"Meaningful Understanding" of the changing complex diverse local/global Socio-economic relations Without "Deconstructing" the concepts that Promote Essentialism, Reification, Reductionism, Determinism, Ethnocentrism/Ethnophobia, anthropocentrism, prejudice, fear, hate and/or War?
* Can 
"race" and/or "racism" as perceptions/theories Explain easily the realities/issuesboosted by "nation/nationalism, "sexism", "ethnocentrism", "fascism","anthropocentrism" and/or other "isms"?
* Is it possible for "Abuse" to prevail without "sexism" and/or "racism"?
* Is it possible for "sexism" and/or "racism" to prevail without "Abuse"?
* How does "sexism" and/or "racism" justify "Abuse"?
* Are there any other 
" . . . isms" that justify "Abuse"?
* Does 
"different" mean "better"?
* Since "Fishism" is "
different" than "capitalism". Does it mean that "Fishism" is "better" than "capitalism"?
For example, should "abuse" be regarded as "Fair" when it is justified by "Fishism" instead of "capitalism"?
* Since 
"Sexism" is "different" than "racism". Does it mean that "Sexism" is "better" than "racism"?
For example, should "abuse" be "Acceptable" when it is justified by "Sexism" instead of "racism"?
* Since "Anglo-phobia" is 
"different" than "islamo-phobia". Does it mean that "Anglo-phobia" is"better" than "islamo-phobia"?
For example, should "abuse" be regarded as "Sinless"/"Righteous" when it is justified by "Anglo-phobia" instead of "islamo-phobia"?
* Since "Nationalism" is 
"different" than "elitism", "casteism", "racism", "sexism" and "tribalism". Does it mean that "Nationalism" is "better"/"best"?
For example, should "abuse" be regarded as "Reasonable" when it is justified by "Nationalism" instead of "elitism", "casteism", "racism", "sexism" and/or "tribalism"?
* Since
 "Elitism" is "different" than "casteism", "nationalism", "racism", "sexism" and "tribalism". Does it mean that "Elitism" is "better"/"best"?
For example, should "abuse" be regarded as "Decent"/"Legitimate" when it is justified by "Elitism"/"Elites" instead of "casteism", "nationalism", "racism", "sexism" and/or "tribalism"?
* Since "Environmentalism/Global Warming" is 
"different" than "globalization/Ecological Imperialism", "casteism", "elitism", "nationalism", "racism", "sexism" and/or "tribalism". Does it mean that "Environmentalism/Global Warming" is "better"/"best"?
For example should "abuse" be regarded as "Satisfactory" when it is justified by the claims("Environment Protection"/"Combat climate change") of social movements/political parties/nation-states instead of "casteism", "elitism", "globalization/Ecological Imperialism", "nationalism", "racism", "sexism" and/or "tribalism?
* What's the 
difference between "sexism" & "racism" and what are their similarities?
* What are the 
differences and similarities between "anthropocentrism", "ethnophobia", "ethnocentrism", "ecological imperialism", "environmentalism", "globalization", "familism", "casteism", "clanism", "tribalism", "nationalism", "racism", "sexism", "androcentrism", "gynocentrism", "semitism", "elitism" & "fascism"?
* Why is "race" widespread in "commonsense" talk?

* Is it possible for "race" and/or "racism" to be unrelated?
* Why do some human individuals use the colours of their eyes, hair and skins as objects of "race"construction/awareness
(biological determinism) to describe/justify abuse?
Are human beings abused(exploited, enslaved, victimized) "because of" OR "regardless of" nature, bloodline, sex-gender or/and colour(eyes, hair & skin)?
* Are the implications of the 
"because of" idea:
1) At best; nature, bloodline, sex-gender, colour(eyes, hair & skin) are regarded as the maincause/source of power to abuse(exploit, enslave, victimize)?
2) At worst; a policy of blaming nature, human bodies, bloodline, sex-gender or/and colour(eyes, hair & skin)?
3) From (1) & (2); the main cause/source of power&blaming arising from nature, bloodline, sex-gender or/and colour(eyes, hair & skin) purely ideological(make-believe)?
* Alternatively; does the 
"regardless of" idea imply that the extensive source of the power to abuse(exploit, enslave, victimize) exists "outside/alien" to nature, human bodies, bloodline, sex-gender or/and colour(eyes, hair & skin)?
Does the source of this power(to abuse) rely on new technology, social class(control of the ideological apparatus by the ideological elites), unequal exploitative oppressive socio-economic structures-relations involving individuals, communities, institutions(family, state, corporations) and compliance by some so-called "victims" of abuse?
* Does the "because of" idea depends on "race"/"sex"(biological determinism) a) "genetics"/blood; b) "phenotype"/colours of eyes, hair, skin?
* Does the 
"regardless of" idea that zoom in on new technology and socio-economic structures/relations play a useful in understanding "racism"/"sexism" as an ideology(ism)?
* (
"Because of idea"If "racism"/"sexism" is identified as part of nature/human biology, can it be challenged effectively by targeting/blaming nature/human body/blood/eye, hair & skin colours by way of cosmetic surgery - including the use of "beautifyers"(hair-straighteners & lighteners, skin-lighteners & tanners), "blood transfusion", "prejudice", "segregation", "rape", "ethnic"/"race" cleansing(genocide) and "ecological imperialism"(terrorism)?
* (
"Regardless of idea") If "racism"/"sexism" is not identified as part of nature/human biology, can it be challenged effectively by reforming the abusive alienating dominant ideological network, patriarchal system, technological & information order, exploitative and oppressive socio-economic structures/relations whose features include inequalities, insecurities, subordination, deprivation, greed, reckless speculation, ideological consensus, ecological as well as psychological terrorism?
* Is "anti-racism"/"anti-sexism" similar to "anti-abuse" or a typical case of 
"Chasing theRainbow"/"Wrestling with Shadows"?
* Is "anti-abuse" similar to "anti-racism"/"anti-sexism" or an example of the 
"Cause being theConsequence"?
* Is there a useful role for 
"Deconstruction"(unveiling the hidden assumptions, contradictions, meanings of "race"/"gender"- images, symbols and expressions) in studying-challenging successfully"racism"/"sexism" as an ideology and/or "abuse" after some time?
ARE some individuals simply "powerless" victims of "Abuse" OR Able "creative" survivorsof abuse without becoming "Abusers"?
Is it possible for "ethnocentrics/ethnophobics" to "transcend" the tectonic plates of"reified/essentialised" identity politics to "generate" an "adequate/appropriate united""response" in order to "foster" universal liberty, peace and justice?
1. 80% of the Earth is covered by water or ice. Only about 20% is dry land.
2. 97% of the water on earth is salty ocean and 2% is frozen. 
The remaining 1% is available to meet human needs.
3. An adult body contains about 40 quarts or 10 gallons of water.
4. A male body is 60-65% water. 
A female's is 50-60% water. 
The human brain is about 75% water.
5. Muscle tissue contains a large amount of water. 
Fat tissues contain virtually no water. Men tend to have more muscle as a percentage of body weight while women have more fat.
6. You lose 2.5 to 3 quarts of water per day through normal elimination, sweating and breathing. 
If you exercise or live in a humid climate, you may lose another quarter.
7. Water has zero calories and zero sugar, but a good drink of water can reduce hunger. 
Water also helps your body metabolize stored fats, helps maintain proper muscle tone, and helps rid the body of wastes.
8. Lawn sprinkling uses the most water outdoors. 
Inside, toilets use the most, with an average of 27 gallons per person per day. Laundry averages 17 gallons per person per day and showers 14 gallons.
9. Typically, less than 1% of the treated drinking water, produced by utilities 
is actually consumed by people. Most goes for lawns, showers and tubs, toilets, etc.
10. A chicken is 75% water?
11. A pineapple is 80% water?
12. A tomato is 95% water?
13. An elephant is 76% water?
14. 80% an ear of corn is water?
How much water does a human needs?
Every day a human loses water through breathing, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For a human body to function properly, humans must replenish their water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.
Ways to calculate human water needs:
The average urine output for adults is about 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups) along with your normal diet, you will typically replace the lost fluids. 
Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Another way to water intake is the "8 x 8 rule" — drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," as all fluids count toward the daily total. Though the approach isn't supported by scientific evidence, many people use this basic rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink. Recommendation: Men consume roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. 
You should drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day.
The amount of water a human needs can vary:
Human need to modify their total fluid intake depending on how active they are, the climate they live in, their health status, and if they are pregnant or breast-feeding.
Work outs:-
If humans exercise or engage in any activity that makes them sweat, they need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss. 
An extra 400 to 600 milliliters (about 1.5 to 2.5 cups) of water should suffice for short bouts of exercise, but intense exercise lasting more than an hour (for example, running a marathon) requires more fluid intake. 
How much additional fluid humans need depends on how much they sweat during exercise, how long they exercise and the type of activity they are engaged in. 
During long bouts of intense exercise, it's best to use a sports drink that contains sodium, as this will help replace sodium lost in sweat and reduce the chances of developing hyponatremia, which can be life-threatening.
Additionally, humans need to continue to replace fluids after they are finished exercising.
Weather changes water need:
Hot or humid weather can make humans sweat and require additional intake of fluid. Heated indoor air also can cause human skin to lose moisture during wintertime. Further, altitudes greater than 8,200 feet (2,500 meters) may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which use up more of a humans's fluid reserves.
Sickness or health conditions:
Signs of illnesses, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, cause a human body to lose additional fluids. In these cases humans should drink more water and may even need oral rehydration solutions, such as Gatorade, Powerade or CeraLyte. More fluid is needed if a human has a bladder infections or urinary tract stones. 
Heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may impair human excretion of water and even require that a human limits its fluid intake.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding:
Women who are expecting or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated. Large amounts of fluid are used especially when nursing. 
Pregnant women should drink 2/3 gallon of fluids daily and women who breast-feed consume 3/4 gallon of fluids a day.
Water Conservation: Every Drop Counts
Water is a precious resource in our environment.
Growing populations and ongoing droughts are squeezing our water resources dry, causing natural habitat degredation and impacting our everyday use of water. 
We have no choice but to pay more attention to how we are using water, and how we may be wasting it. We must bridge the gap between our understanding of how important water is to our survival and what we can do to ensure that we have an adequate supply of clean water for years to come. Below is Handy's list of the many simple ways you can take action and conserve water, both inside and outside our homes.
Being In Control
* Try to do one thing each day to save water.
Don't worry if the savings are minimal.
Every drop counts, and every person can make a difference.
* Be aware of and follow all water conservation and water shortage rules and restrictions that may be in effect in your area.
* Make sure your children are aware of the need to conserve water.
Water Wasters in the Kitchen and Bathroom
* The Toilet
* The Shower/Bath
* The Kitchen
* Washing Dishes
Other Water Wasters in Your Home
* Appliances
* Divert From the Drain
* Maintenance
Outdoor Water Wasters to Watch
*Watering the Lawn
* Lawn Care
* Other Outdoor Water Wasters
* Landscaping
Ways to collect water:
Surficial "Aquifer" water.
Aquifer water.
Fresh Water Surface Reservoirs.
Rainwater catchment.
Surface groundwater.
Many aquifers are depleted, because water is pumped up faster, than rainwater can seep in and refill our aquifers.
Looking for additional water supply
Surficial Aquifer * - its not really an aquifer, we would name it surface water reservoir.
The use of surficial water brings different problems in water treatment:-
A) Cleaning water with membranes will be different
B) Production rates are low A large number of wells are required
C) Land acquisition is needed for of large number of well sites
D) Because of shallowness of the well fields protection of these areas is very important contamination effects immediately
E) The quality of surficial water varies
F) High maintenance for all the wells and pipelines
G) and there is a potential impact on adjacent homeowner wells - Wouldn't it be easier to lower our water consumption?
* The use of water saving washing machines
* The use of water saving toilets
* Avoid planting water loving plants in deserts
* The use of native plants with adapted water needs
* The use of native grasses that do not require a sprinkler system
Plantation of Fuelwood, Communal Forests, Use of Water Power, Windmills, Kerosene stove, Solar Cooker, Biogas, Fuelwood.
Energy management in developing countries is more complex than in developed countries. In developed countries mainly oil, coal, gas and electricity is used.
In developing countries where fuelwood is scarce and poverty prevails, still energy from biomass mainlyanimal dung, fuelwood and coal is used. This is at the expense of the already fragile eco-system.
Hence alternative sources of energy such as solar cookersbiogas, wind, hydro-power and community forestry should be encouraged.
(1) Our Fragile Ecological Environment
Over 2 billion people are dependent on/need fuelwood for cooking. About 70% have no safe “access” to reserves. 80% of the fuelwood is used in Third World countries. Half of logged trees, goes for cooking. Trees are cut faster than they can be replenished.
(2Fuelwood Scarcity
1.5 billion worry daily about gathering their fuelwood requirement. They need 3 kg fuelwood per day. Yet 125 million people are not able to meet this requirement. They spend more and more time looking for wood and carrying it back. 100-300 working days goes for collection of fuelwood.
(3Fuel Scarcity Cost Money
Purchasing the wood, can cost 40% of a family income. Sometimes it costs as much to fill their cooking pot.Uncooked food leads to health problems due to parasites. Unclean water causes diarrhoea and other diseases. Cooking open fires affects eyes and lungs. Smoke is the largest killer in the world. Cooking on open fires releases carbon dioxide in the air. It leads to global warming and Green House effect. - (Eco CenterICNEER)
(4) Fracking - Possible Risks?
Risk 1. Blowout. Unreliable blowout prevention equipment can cause pressurized fluid and gas to explode out the wellhead, thereby injuring people and spewing pollutants.
Risk 2. Gas leak. Methane, the primary gas in natural gas, may be present in layers of rock above the target layer. Cracks in the cement that seal the well to the surrounding rock can provide a path for this methane to travel into the water table.
Risk 3. Air pollution. Flare pipes that burn methane so it doesn’t build up, diesel truck exhaust and emissions from wastewater evaporation can pollute the air near a drill site. When methane is released without being burned, it acts as a potent greenhouse gas, trapping 20 times as much heat as carbon dioxide.
Risk 4. Wastewater overflow. Fracking fluid, about 1 percent of which is made up of chemicals (sometimes including carcinogens), is increasingly recycled for use in other wells. At times it is stored in open pits that give off noxious fumes and can overflow with rain.
Risk 5. Other leaks. There are certain concerns that local geology in particular areas would allow fracking-produced fluid and methane to travel upward. But most evidence of exposure stems from surface problems such as spills or illegal dumping.
Risk 6. Home explosions. If methane enters the water table — because of cracked cement, local geology or the effects of old wells — it can build up in homes and lead to explosions.
1) An average size tree produces enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of four breathing.
2) Three trees planted in the right place around buildings can cut air-conditioning costs up to 50 percent.
3) Trees increase the value of property. Houses surrounded by trees sell for 18-25 percent higher than houses with no trees.
4) Trees generate jobs and contribute raw materials for buildings, newspapers, books and more than 15,000 other forest products. Trees are renewable, biodegradable and recyclable. Wood by-products become such products as vitamins, plastics, vanilla flavoring, photographic film, toothpaste and medicines.
5) By planting 20 million trees, the earth and its people will be provided with 260 million more tons of oxygen. Those same 20 million trees will remove 10 million tons of CO2.
6) Trees provide shelter and food for wildlife such as birds, squirrels, and bugs. Groves of trees provide food and cover for larger mammals, such as raccoons and deer.
7) Trees make people feel good. Workers are more productive when they see trees along their commute routes and from their office windows.
8) Hospital patients who have a view of trees heal faster, use fewer pain medications, and leave the hospital sooner than patients with a view of a brick wall. Patients with a view of trees spend 8 percent fewer days in the hospital.
9) Consumers are willing to spend more money in shopping districts with trees. They are willing to pay more for products purchased in a shopping district with trees. Those same shoppers also say they are willing to stay longer and rate the products and stores as higher quality in a shopping district with the trees.
10) Trees in the landscape relax us, lower heart rates, and reduce stress.
Valuable Facts on Trees
Shade trees can make buildings up to 20 degrees cooler in the summer.
One acre of trees removes up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide each year.
Trees lower air temperature by evaporating water in their leaves.
Tree roots stabilize soil and prevent erosion.
The cottonwood tree seed is the seed that stays in flight the longest.
The tiny seed is surrounded by ultra-light, white fluff hairs that can carry it on the air for several days.
Trees keep our air supply fresh by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
In one year, an acre of trees can absorb as much carbon as is produced by a car driven up to 8700 miles.
Trees provide shade and shelter, reducing yearly heating and cooling costs by 2.1 billion dollars.
Trees lower air temperature by evaporating water in their leaves.
The average tree in metropolitan area survives only about 8 years!
A tree does not reach its most productive stage of carbon storage for about 10 years.
Trees cut down noise pollution by acting as sound barriers.
Tree roots stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.
Trees improve water quality by slowing and filtering rain water as well as protecting aquifers and watersheds.
Trees provide protection from downward fall of rain, sleet, and hail as well as reduce storm run-off and the possibility of flooding.
Trees provide food and shelter for wildlife.
Trees located along streets act as a glare and reflection control.
The death of one 70-year old tree would return over three tons of carbon to the atmosphere.
"Unique among all God's creatures, only the honeybeen improves the environment and preysnot on any other species." -- Royden Brown
"If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live?" -- Albert Einstein

1) Bees are the only insect in the world that make food that people can eat.
2) Honey contains all of the substances needed to sustain life, including enzymes, water, minerals and vitamins.
3) Eating honey can help you smarter! It is the only food to contain ‘pinocembrin’ that is an antioxidant that improves brain function.
4) One bee will only make 1/12 of a teaspoon on honey in its entire life.
5) Many plants rely on insects like bees in order to be pollinated; which is why they provide nectar to say thanks.
6) Worker bees, who are all female, are the only ones who will attack you, and only if they feel threatened.
7) It has been estimated that it would take 1,100 bee stings to produce enough venom to be fatal.
8) Each colony smells different to bees, this is so they can tell where they live!
9) It would take 1,100 bees to make 1kg of honey and they would have to visit 4 million flowers.
10) There are 900 cells in a bee’s brain.
11) Bees have two separate stomachs; one for food and another just for nectar.
12) Honey has natural preservatives so that it won’t go bad.
13) A third of all the plants we eat have been pollinated by bees.
14) Bees have been around for more than 30 million years.
15) Bees communicate by smells called ‘pheromones’ and by performing special ‘dances’.
16) Bee keepers only take the honey that the bees do not need, but this can be as much as 45kg from one hive!
17) There are lots of different types of honey which taste different depending on the flowers used to make it.
18) The honey bee has been around for millions of years.
19) Honey bees, scientifically also known as Apis mellifera, are environmentally friendly and are vital as pollinators.
20) It is the only insect that produces food eaten by man.
21) Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and water; and it's the only food that contains "pinocembrin", an antioxidant associated with improved brain functioning.
22) Honey bees have 6 legs, 2 compound eyes made up of thousands of tiny lenses (one on each side of the head), 3 simple eyes on the top of the head, 2 pairs of wings, a nectar
pouch, and a stomach.
23) Honey bees have 170 odorant receptors, compared with only 62 in fruit flies and 79 in mosquitoes. Their exceptional olfactory abilities include kin recognition signals, social communication within the hive, and odour recognition for
finding food. Their sense of smell is so precise that it could differentiate hundreds of different floral varieties and tell whether a flower carried pollen or nectar from metres away.
24) The honey bee's wings stroke incredibly fast, about 200 beats per second, thus making their famous, distinctive buzz. A honey bee can fly for up to six miles, and as fast as 15 miles per hour.
25) The average worker bee produces about 1/12th teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.
26) A hive of bees will fly 90,000 miles, the equivalent of three orbits around the earth to collect 1 kg of honey.
27) It takes one ounce of honey to fuel a bee's flight around the world.
28) A honey bee visits 50 to 100 flowers during a collection trip.
29) The bee's brain is oval in shape and only about the size of a sesame seed, yet it has remarkable capacity to learn and remember things and is able to make complex calculations on distance travelled and foraging efficiency.
30) A colony of bees consists of 20,000-60,000 honeybees and one queen. Worker honey bees are female, live for about 6 weeks and do all the work.
31) The queen bee can live up to 5 years and is the only bee that lays eggs. She is the busiest in the summer months, when the hive needs to be at its maximum strength, and lays up to 2500 eggs per day.
32) Larger than the worker bees, the male honey bees (also called drones), have no stinger and do no work at all. All they do is mating.
33) Each honey bee colony has a unique odour for members' identification.
34) Only worker bees sting, and only if they feel threatened and they die once they sting. Queens have a stinger, but they don't leave the hive to help defend it.
35) It is estimated that 1100 honey bee stings are required to be fatal.
36) Honey bees communicate with one another by dancing. More on their awesome sense of time, communication of distance and direction in "The Awesome Honeybee Dance".
37) During winter, honey bees feed on the honey they collected during the warmer months. They form a tight cluster in their hive to keep the queen and themselves warm.
38) Honey bees must visit some 2 million flowers to make one pound of honey.
39) Honey bees fly about 55,000 miles to bring in enough nectar to make one pound of honey.
40) About one ounce of honey would fuel a honey bee’s flight around the world.
41) Honey bees have been producing honey from flowering plants for about 10-20 million years.
42) The average honey bee worker makes 1/12 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.
43) Honey bees contribute 8 to 10 billion dollars to the U.S. economy yearly.
44) Honey bees have four wings that are latched into pairs by hooks.
45) Honey bees are the only insects that produce food for humans.
46) The male honey bee, the drone, has a grandfather but no father.
47) The average honey bee flies between 12 and 15 miles per hour.
48) A honey bee flaps its wings about 12,000 times per minute.
49) A honey bee worker visits more than 2,000 flowers on a good day.
50) Honey bees communicate with one another by smell and dances.
51) The average summertime honey bee lives only about 28 to 35 days.
52) There are 3 million plus honey-producing colonies in the United States.
53) A honey bee visits between 50 and 100 flowers during one collection trip.
54) A typical healthy hive may contain up to 60,000 honey bees during peak times.
55) Honey bees make an average of 1,600 round trips in order to produce one ounce of honey.
56) Bees will travel as far as one or two miles from the hive to gather nectar.
57) Honey bees from a typical hive visit approximately 225,000 flowers per day.
58) Queen bees will lay as many as 2,000 eggs on a good day an average of one every 45 seconds.
59) A good queen bee will lay between 175,000 and 200,000 eggs per year.
60) The average central temperature of the brood nest is kept between 92-95 degrees Fahrenheit.
61) Beeswax production in most hives is only about 1.5% to 2.0% of the honey yield.
62) Approximately eight pounds of honey is eaten by bees to produce one pound of beeswax.
63) The Americas have no native honey bees – early pioneers first brought them from Europe.
64) Honey bees pollinate approximately 25% of all the foods humans consume.
65) Besides honey, honey bees produce wax and propolis, gather pollen, and produce royal jelly.
66) A typical foraging honey bee will work herself to death in about three weeks.
1. Apples have originated from a region between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.
2. The fear of apples is known as Malusdomesticaphobia.
3. Most of the anti-oxidants in apples, including Quercetin, are found in the skin.
4. Washington, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California produce the most number of apples in the USA.
5. You can't compare apples with pears.
6. "Your neighbour's apples are the sweetest."
7. New York City is known as the Big Apple
8. "A pear tree cannot bear an apple".
9. The bump at the front of the throat is called Adam’s Apple, which is said to be caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in Adam’s throat when he ate it in the Garden of Eden.
10. People who love apples are said to be outspoken, charismatic and enthusiastic.
11.The Red Delicious, the Golden Delicious and the Granny Smith are the most popular apple varieties in the US.
12. The Crab apple originated in Native America.
13. During the colonization of Native Americans by Europeans, apples were called winter banana or melt-in-the-mouth.
14. In Norse mythology, the goddess of youth, Idun was believed to grow magic apples that kept the gods youthful.
15. Apples trees can also be affected by mildew, which leads to a grey powdery coating on leaves.
16. The daily requirement of fibre is 25 grams. Apples are amongst the highest sources of fibre.
17. The soluble fibre contained in apples is called pectin, and can help lower cholesterol levels.
18. The high quantity of fibre in apples can help fight constipation.
19. Eating an apple before bed can help cleanse your teeth and is said to be able to whiten your teeth.
20. Eating too many apples may cause gas in some people as the soluble fibre contained in it is broken down by bacteria in the small intestines.
21. Apple trees only bear fruits after they reach 5 years of age.
22. In Africa, apples are only grown in the Mediterranean regions.
23. Humans have been eating apples for a while now – from as far as 6500 BC!
24. In the Chinese culture, the word for apples is pronounced as ‘ping’ which also stands for peace. This is why apples are a popular gift to give when visiting someone in China.
25. Apples aren’t true fruits! Botanically speaking, true fruits grow from the ovaries of the flower, yet apples develop from the receptacle of the flower.
26. This phobia gets its name from the scientific name of apples, which is Malus domestica in the Rose family (Rosaceae)
27. Isaac Newton was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. This led him to discover the law of gravity.
28. "Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." - Bernard M. Baruch.
29. The Apple is popularly known as the supposed forbidden fruit of Eden. But this is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible!
30. The tiniest apple is about the size of a pea while there are some large apples the size of a small pumpkin.
31. Apples are still picked by hand during autumn.
32. The McIntosh apple is the national apple of Canada.
33. It is generally agreed that apples originated from Kazakhstan.
34  The most famous saying involving apples is, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
35. The original saying in old English adage was, “To eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread.”
36. The saying, “You are the apple of my eye,” is a romantic phrase often used among beloveds.
37. Celebrity actress and singer, Gwyneth Paltrow named her first daughter, “Apple.”
38. "The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core. Scratch a lover and find a foe!" - Dorothy Parker
39. Some famous poems involving apples include, “After Apple Picking,” by Robert Frost.
40. Apples were popular in ancient Greece and Rome and were a sign of opulence.
41. An apple shaped body type is where most of the body fat is stored around the waist and belly, the middle of the abdomen.
42. Being apple to successfully shoot an apple off a child’s head was a feat of marksmanship in bow and arrow.
43. Apple Cider Vinegar is derived from the fermentation of apple must and is a brownish yellow colour.
44. Apples can be grown by two methods; budding and grafting.
45. It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider.
46. Freshly pressed apple juice immediately turns brown upon contact with air because of oxidation.
47. A nifty trick to prevent fresh apple juice from turning brown is to add a few squeezes of lemon juice or lime juice. This helps prevent oxidation.
48. In literature, apples are used to symbolize a wide variety of meanings including temptation, immortality and reincarnation.
49. Apples are also said to symbolize health, love and fertility.
50. Apple blossoms are a symbol of feminine beauty.
51. Italy is among the top 5 producers of apples.
Apple blossoms are pinkish in colour but they turn white as they get older.
52. Apples ripen five to six times slower when kept in the refrigerator than when left at room temperature.
53. The Apple Macintosh was named so as it was the favourite apple of the head of the team that created the computer, Jef Raskin.
54. Some fruits which have the word apple in them include custard apple and pineapple.
55. Apple juice in young children may cause diarrhoea.
56. Are apples a brain food? Yes! Apples contain high levels of boron, which stimulates electrical activity of the brain and increases mental alertness.
57. Apples may not be rich in calcium, but its high levels of boron make it a great food to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones.
58. Apples have the ability to boost estrogen levels in menopausal women to a great extent.
59. The flowers of the apple tree are called apple blossoms.
60. Apple blossoms are pinkish in colour but they turn white as they get older.
61. Apple blossoms are fertilized through cross pollination.
62. Honey bees are the most important pollinators of apple blossoms.
63. "Why do we need so many kinds of apples? Because there are so many folks. A person has a right to gratify his legitimate taste." -- Liberty Hyde Baily
64. Apples come in a variety of colours from lime green to golden yellow to burgundy and chocolate brown.
65. The Roman Goddess Pomona is the goddess of apples.
66. "Ever since Eve started it all by offering Adam the apple, woman's punishment has been to supply a man with food then suffers the consequences when it disagrees with him." -- Helen Rowland.
Pollution injures all life on Earth. Humans are the topmost producers of pollutants. Pollution shortens life. Pollution causes many illnesses. Pollution can exterminate large numbers of living beings.
Cities Main Sources of Pollutants Are:
1) Transportation mainly automobiles, trucks, buses.
* Motor vehicles produce high levels of carbon monoxides (CO) and a major source of hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOX). * Burning in stationary sources is the dominant source of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and dioxins - 1 millionth of an ounce will kill a human! 2) Burning in stationary sources, including residential, commercial, and industrial heating and 3) Coal-burning power plants and rubbish incinerators. *Power plants emit about 90% of the sulfur dioxide.*Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs, also known as Freons, are greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. *Photochemical air pollution is commonly referred to as "smog". *Smog causes Asthma, lung cancer heart disease and harms the grow-up process of children..
Land Pollution
Land Pollution is the degradation of earth's land surfaces. Human activities are the main factor and their misuse of land resources. Haphazard disposal of urban and industrial waste exploitation of minerals, and improper use of soil by inadequate agricultural practices are a few factors.Urbanization and industrialization are major causes of land pollution. The Industrial Revolution set a series of events into motion which destroyed natural habitats and polluted the environment, causing diseases in both humans, animals and plants. The use of pesticides to kill pests and all other insects lead to the endangerment of all life on Earth.
Chemical Pollution
All pesticides are dangerous to human beings and cause additionally soil contamination and water contamination. Pesticides are the chemical used for spaying to the crop. It kills the insects near the crop which affects the crop. Farmers all over Earth have the highest cancer rate. A big drawback of pesticides is that after a certain period of time the fertility of land goes away and often bugs get resistant.
Herbicides are used to kill weeds. Herbicides derived from trinitrophenol (2:4 D and 2:4:5T), have the impurity dioxin, which is very toxic and causes fatality even in low concentrations. A millionth of a gram can kill many humans. It also causes spontaneous abortions, haemorrhaging and cancer. Agent Orange (50% 2:4:5 T) was used as a defoliant in Vietnam. Eleven million gallons were used and children born since then to American soldiers who served in this conflict, have shown increased physical and mental disabilities. It affects the head of the sperm and the chromosomes inside it.
Herbicides kill humans so easily.
Marine Pollution
Marine pollution is mostly land based. The pollution often comes from agricultural runoff and wind blown debris. Many potentially toxic chemicals adhere to tiny particles which are then taken up by plankton and benthos animals, most of which are either deposit or filter feeders. In this way, the toxins are concentrated upward within ocean food chains. Many particles combine chemically in a manner highly depletive of oxygen, causing estuaries to become anoxic. When pesticides are incorporated into the marine ecosystem, they quickly become absorbed into marine food webs. Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause mutations, as well as diseases, which are harmful to humans as well as the entire food web. Toxic metals are also introduced into marine food webs. These causes a change to tissue matter, biochemistry, behaviour, reproduction, and suppress growth in marine life. Often animal feeds are produced from sea life - so marine toxins are transferred to land animals, and appear later in meat and dairy products - then eaten by humans.
Light Pollution
Light pollution on Earth causes many problems for many animals and for humans. Burning fossil fuels = air pollution, more energy consumption produces more air pollution, more water pollution and light pollution reduces the world natural resources for the next generation.
Plastic Bags
60000 plastic bags are thrown away every day endangering our rivers and creeks, endangering ocean animals and native wildlife.
Renewable energy is one way to produce less air pollution and less water contamination!

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